NYC Tarot: Big Apple Divination from the Greatest City on Earth | 誠品線上

NYC Tarot: Big Apple Divination from the Greatest City on Earth

作者 Bess Matassa
出版社 Union Square & Co.
商品描述 NYC Tarot: Big Apple Divination from the Greatest City on Earth:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡。紐約塔羅牌✰城市風情塔羅牌✰紐約地標融入塔羅


內容簡介 【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡紐約塔羅牌✰城市風情塔羅牌✰紐約地標融入塔羅踏入閃耀的紐約市,讓這座城市的多元、活力與新奇,引領你走進塔羅的世界!《NYC Tarot》以全新視角詮釋塔羅牌,將節制、教皇、力量等78張牌卡與紐約標誌性地標巧妙結合,當你抽到「錢幣侍者」將看到紐約的特色食物全配貝果;而「權杖騎士」則透過布魯克林大橋呈現,這座橋曾啟發無數詩人及藝術家,反映了牌義的自我表述精神。每張牌卡都是一張紐約的藝術插圖,不僅是占卜工具,也是一部值得收藏的藝術品,從歷史悠久的建築、必遊景點到街頭小吃,《NYC Tarot》完美地捕捉了紐約的精髓,邀請你在城市的身影中找尋自己,感受物質與心靈的和諧共鳴。快來發掘這座城市的靈魂,並在其中找到自我!Divine Your Dreams in the City that Never Sleeps!Step into New York City's bright lights and Big Apple energy with this inspired take on the classic tarot. The 78-card deck embodies archetypal cards like Temperance, the Hierophant, and Strength with iconic New York City symbols and landmarks. Pull a Page of Pentacles? That's an everything bagel. The Knight of Wands? You'll find its self-expressive essence in the Brooklyn Bridge, which has inspired generations of poets and artists. From historical buildings and monuments to must-see sites, street eats, and quintessential characters, this tarot is the perfect way to celebrate the city while seeing yourself in its physical and energetic qualities. Fans of The Urban Tarot deck who are looking for unique tarot cards will find just that in the NYC Tarot. Featuring New York City art on every card, this tarot cards set is also perfect for anyone looking for New York souvenirs and gifts.


作者介紹 Bess MatassaBess Matassa, PhD, is a New York–based astrologer and tarot reader. She has been a celestial consultant for Teen Vogue, Almay cosmetics, Ace Hotel, and the Rubin Museum of Art. Clara KirkpatrickClara Kirkpatrick is an NYC-based illustrator. She has worked with companies like Nike, Google, FiveThirtyEight, and more.


書名 / NYC Tarot: Big Apple Divination from the Greatest City on Earth
作者 / Bess Matassa
簡介 / NYC Tarot: Big Apple Divination from the Greatest City on Earth:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】神諭卡‧星座占卜‧遊戲牌卡。紐約塔羅牌✰城市風情塔羅牌✰紐約地標融入塔羅
出版社 / Union Square & Co.
ISBN13 / 9781454949190
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781454949190
誠品26碼 / 2682459073002
頁數 / 128
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 4.62 x 6.25英吋
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 結合紐約知名地標和地景:以紐約市日常風光為主題的塔羅牌