Keira & Me: A Tale of Two Best Friends and How They Saved Each Other | 誠品線上

Keira & Me: A Tale of Two Best Friends and How They Saved Each Other

作者 Noel Fitzpatrick
商品描述 Keira & Me: A Tale of Two Best Friends and How They Saved Each Other:毛小孩動人繪本✰一段超越物種的真摯情誼✰感動無數動物迷的療癒之作!一段友誼,兩個生命的彼此


內容簡介 毛小孩動人繪本✰一段超越物種的真摯情誼✰感動無數動物迷的療癒之作!一段友誼,兩個生命的彼此救贖——Keira & Me《Keira & Me》真實記錄了”超級獸醫”Noel Fitzpatrick 和他的愛犬 Keira 之間動人的故事。Keira 不僅僅是寵物,更是 Noel Fitzpatrick 無條件的支持者,當他陷入低谷時,Keira 用愛與陪伴將他帶回光亮。書中的精美插畫,細膩描繪了他們共同經歷的起起伏伏,以及生活中珍貴的點滴。這不僅是一本寵物故事,更是獻給每一位在人生旅途尋求慰藉和勇氣的人。With you by my side, just doing my best was the best thing to do.'Keira is an extraordinary dog. She held the key to Noel's heart from the moment he first met her.That's because Keira doesn't judge. When Noel struggles, Keira is there to remind him he need only do his best. When he sees only darkness, Keira is ready to lift him back into the light.Keira & Me is the real-life story of Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick, his companion Keira and their life together. It captures the incredible bond of unconditional love between us and our canine friends. Inspiring and healing in equal measure, this beautifully illustrated and deeply heartfelt story of Noel and Keira's journey together teaches us all how to embrace the ups with the downs, the joy and the sorrow, the darkness and the light, that make up a life.For animal lovers everywhere, or anyone who needs a little comfort this Christmas, Keira & Me promises to break your heart and put it back together again - even better than it was before.


作者介紹 NOEL FITZPATRICKProfessor Noel Fitzpatrick is a world-renowned neuro-orthopaedic veterinary surgeon, the founder of Fitzpatrick Referrals in Surrey, the star of the hit Channel 4 television show The Supervet, and author of the No.1 bestsellers Listening to the Animals and How Animals Saved My Life. Globally recognised for his innovative surgical solutions for animals, Noel has developed dozens of new techniques, including many world-firsts, that have provided hope where none seemed possible. Noel lives in Surrey with his Maine Coon cats Ricochet and Excalibur, and you can follow him at: Facebook: @ProfessorNoelFitzpatrick Twitter: @ProfNoelFitz Instagram: @ProfessorNoelFitzpatrick


書名 / Keira & Me: A Tale of Two Best Friends and How They Saved Each Other
作者 / Noel Fitzpatrick
簡介 / Keira & Me: A Tale of Two Best Friends and How They Saved Each Other:毛小孩動人繪本✰一段超越物種的真摯情誼✰感動無數動物迷的療癒之作!一段友誼,兩個生命的彼此
ISBN13 / 9781399610308
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781399610308
誠品26碼 / 2682482777007
頁數 / 128
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : With you by my side, just doing my best was the best thing to do.'
