The World's Worst Series (3冊合售) | 誠品線上

The World's Worst Series (3冊合售)

作者 David Walliams
商品描述 The World's Worst Series (3冊合售):《世界最糟糕的老師》+《世界最糟糕的父母》+《世界最糟糕的寵物》三冊合售!:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣


內容簡介 《世界最糟糕的老師》+《世界最糟糕的父母》+《世界最糟糕的寵物》三冊合售!The World's Worst Teachers集結十個令人尊敬,喔,不!是有各種怪癖行為舉止的糟糕壞老師!史派克小姐是斯博叮咚學校的圖書館館員,總是在書架間的走道騎著三輪電動代步車,而且速度飆到最快。小朋友都要趕快跳開,免得被她輾過去。她最愛的就是騎著這輛車到處追著小朋友開罰單,各種雞毛蒜皮小事都會被她開罰。眼看全校學生都淪為她斂財的苦主,絕頂聰明的唐氏兄弟決定出手,他們要讓這位見錢眼開的圖書館員再也不能得逞。The World's Worst Parents不要以為父母們全都是正經八百的一群人,本書收錄了十個世界上最愚蠢的媽媽與最白目的爸爸,如果你遇到Peter Pong,請記得一定要捏好自己的鼻子,這位爸爸的腳臭味,可是會讓你永生難忘!Harriet Hurry這位老媽騎車可要小心,她速度飛快,但橫衝直撞的三寶程度,請記得一定要及時閃開!The World's Worst Pets你可能遇過難搞的小孩、不講理的爸媽、可怕的老師,但你一定沒聽過……糟糕壞寵物!想知道你的寵物平時都是怎麼看待飼主的嗎?小心!也許牠們正伺機而動,準備鬧個天翻地覆!從前從前,李歐從廢棄碼頭的一座黑心遊樂場贏得了一隻金魚,這條金魚巨大無比,什麼都吃,牠叫屁嗝。至於為什麼叫這名字呢,等等見分曉……屁嗝的食量巨大無比,先是李歐伸進魚缸裡的手指頭、廚房裡的奶油蛋糕、連家裡的貓都被牠一口吞下肚!每次進食過後這隻金魚就會展現牠可怕的特技……一邊打嗝一邊放屁!眼看屁嗝的胃口和體型愈來愈大,事情一發不可收拾,李歐該怎麼逃過淪為金魚食物的下場呢?


作者介紹 David WalliamsDavid Walliams – comedian, actor and author – continues to take the children’s literary world by storm. His tenth novel, BAD DAD, was an immediate number one, following the triumph of THE MIDNIGHT GANG, the biggest-selling children’s book of 2016. WORLD’S WORST CHILDREN 2, which published in early 2017, spent four weeks at industry number one and eight weeks at the top of the children’s chart. They have achieved unprecedented critical acclaim – and RATBURGER, DEMON DENTIST and AWFUL AUNTIE have all won the National Book Awards Children’s Book of the Year.David’s books have now exceeded 100 non-consecutive weeks in the children’s number-one spot, and have been translated into 53 languages, selling more than 35 million copies worldwide.Tony RossTony Ross was born in 1938 in Wandsworth, South London. During World War II, the Ross family moved to Cheshire, and Tony ended up at the Liverpool Regional College of Art, having abandoned his initial dream of working with horses. He had dreamed of being a cowboy, a jockey, a mounted policeman - anything in fact involving horses! At the age of seventeen, he wrote to John Wayne, offering to make his own way over to the United States if he could just play a part in a western. There was, regrettably, no reply. Tony reckons, however, that it is the Wayne-syndrome, the dazzle of the stage (his father was a conjuror, and his uncles film extras) which makes him love to put on an act in his talking-and-drawing sessions with groups of children.Tony went into teaching after a bad day in the advertising agency where he was art director. At first he taught in all sorts of areas - design, typography, advertising. At that time he was drawing cartoons for magazines like Punch. Tony had seven tiny books accepted by Fabri, the first publisher he approached, so he "never had that baptism by fire of trudging stuff round the streets". Today, Tony's work is recognised in dozens of countries and he has won many awards.Tony lives in Macclesfield, Cheshire, with his wife Zoe, who is also his very competent business partner. She reads his contracts, and manages the business side, allowing Tony to sit in his studio and do yet more wonderful drawings. Tony likes to experiment in art and search for new frontiers. "I'm free to do what I like: as a designer and typographer I can control and design and divide my own page. I like the form of the book to do things, the covers and endpapers to add point, make the reader puzzle and be excited." He also loves fairy tales as subject matter. "Apart from the fact that they present a ready-made idea, they come out of the past, they're part of history, and I love history in its simplest, broadest sense. I'm interested in their universal quality - Red Riding Hood, for instance, exists in 300 versions, and was a simple way, in the days when towns were small places surrounded by forests, of telling little girls it was dangerous to go into those forests." But he does sometimes change the moral. "A Dutch publisher complained to me that The Boy Who Cried Wolf has evil triumphing when the wolf eats everyone. But the boy is a little liar, and the adults indulged in the worst kind of finger-wagging, whereas the wolf is a clean, tidy, honest, wolf-like wolf - there is an essential goodness regardless of outer form."Tony has illustrated many successful titles with CollinsChildren'sBooks, including Harry the Poisonous Centipede by Lynne Reid Banks, and the Little Wolf series by Ian Whybrow. His wonderful Little Princess books - I Want A Sister, I Want My Dinner, I Want My Potty and I Don't Want To Go To Hospital - were all reissued in paperback by Collins in August 2001, and I Want My Dummy in March 2002.Adam StowerAdam Stower is an author and illustrator, who has collaborated with David Walliams on several of his books for children.


書名 / The World's Worst Series (3冊合售)
作者 / David Walliams
簡介 / The World's Worst Series (3冊合售):《世界最糟糕的老師》+《世界最糟糕的父母》+《世界最糟糕的寵物》三冊合售!:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 /
誠品26碼 / 2682546069000
頁數 / 936
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20 X 15.3 X 6 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 《世界最糟糕的老師》+《世界最糟糕的父母》+《世界最糟糕的寵物》三冊合售!