排骨料理真有味 | 誠品線上


作者 郭泰王/ 張華通
出版社 人類文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 排骨料理真有味:[本書特色]排骨料理可說是最大眾化的平民美食,從夜市小吃到家庭餐桌,始終是受人喜愛的好滋味!不論是金黃酥脆的炸排骨或養生滋補的藥膳排骨,酸甜美味的


內容簡介 排骨料理可說是最大眾化的平民美食,從夜市小吃到家庭餐桌,始終是受人喜愛的好滋味! 不論是金黃酥脆的炸排骨或養生滋補的藥膳排骨,酸甜美味的橙汁排骨或糖醋小排,甚至柔嫩多汁的芋香燜排骨或粉蒸排骨,隱藏在肉排骨縫間的吮指香味,在在讓人百吃不厭、回味無窮。本書依排骨料理常用的烹飪技法,依序介紹煎炸、燒滷、蒸燉和各式可口的排骨湯料理,每道食譜皆有烹飪時間和技法提示,詳盡解說製作祕訣和烹飪絕招,教您從排骨的挑選、處理到進行烹飪,充分掌握每道菜的美味關鍵,自己在家成功做出令人垂涎欲滴的排骨料理。●好吃的排骨如何烹調?本書從排骨的採買、應用、處理訣竅到進行烹飪,一一詳加解說和示範,讀者充分掌握排骨料理的美味關鍵。●每道食譜皆附製作祕訣,不論是金黃酥脆的日式炸豬排、泰式風味的檸檬豬排,老少咸宜的蜜汁香肋排,甚至果香迷人的鳳梨咕咾肉排、養生甘醇的藥膳排骨,都能快速學會,讓人百吃不厭、吮指回味。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介郭泰王Guo Taiwang經歷 Experiences :台北故宮晶華酒店創意主廚Current position: Creative Chef of Silks Palace at the National Palace Museum法國藍帶騎士勳章Knight Medal of Le Cordon Bleu中國烹飪大師金牌 Gold Medal of Chinese Master Chef第七屆上海FHC國際烹飪大賽銀牌獎 Silver Award of the 7th FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition亞洲廚藝交流協會總監Director of the Association of Asian Culinary Art Exchange北中南美食展專任策劃主廚Planning chef of Taiwan culinary exhibitions農會烹飪講師Cooking instructor of National Farmers’ Association台北開平餐飲學校受拜廚師Master chef of apprentices of Kai Ping Culinary School頭城家商客座講師Guest cooking instructor of National Tou Cheng Home Economics and Commercial Vocational High School中視創意料理及統一超商年菜代言人Brand ambassador of Creative Cuisines of China Television CompanyBrand ambassador of 7-11 Chinese New Year Dishes美鳳有約、冰冰好料理等電視節目專任主廚Full-time chef of TV programmes such as Mayfon Date, Bingbing’s kitchen and etc.張華通Zhang Huatong現任─客蓉來生猛料理行政主廚Current position: Executive Chef of Ke-Rong-Lai Seafood Restaurant 經歷Experiences :2004FHC國際烹飪大賽熱菜銀牌Silver Award of Hot Cooking Challenge, 2004 FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition七海酒樓副主廚Sous Chef of Chi Hai Restaurant電視綜藝節目榮譽主廚Honorary Chef of Television Entertainment Programmes 多項國際烹飪講座名廚Chef of International Culinary Seminars


產品目錄 目錄 排骨各部位的烹調應用Choosing the Right Part of Pork Ribs to Cook Delicious Cuisines排骨必勝祕技-烹調前處理訣竅Tips for Preparing Pork Ribs讓排骨更好吃的烹飪技巧Some Cooking Tricks Make Your Pork Ribs Dishes More Appealing大廚私房筆記Private Notes from Grand Chef◎排骨採買&保鮮法Shop Smart and Keep Fresh◎排骨風味大揭祕Perfect Pork Ribs Cuisines, What’s the Secret?◎這樣蒸燉排骨最美味The Most Delightful Steamed Simmered Pork Ribs排骨料理第一招 各種香煎&酥炸技巧Rib Cuisines Part 1 The Technique of Pan-frying and Crispy Deep-frying五香大排骨Prime Pork Chop with Five-spice Flavor⊙醃排骨前為何要先泡水?Why do I soak ribs with water before marinating them?黑胡椒炸排骨Deep-fried Prime Rib of Pork with Black Pepper⊙酥炸排骨如何避免裹粉脫落?How to avoid bread crumbs from falling apart when frying crispy pork chop?吉利炸豬排Lucky Deep-fried Pork Chop⊙吉利豬排為何要事先拍鬆?Why do I pound pork chop before frying?蔥烤嫩肉排Scallion-braised Prime Rib of Pork⊙蔥烤肉排如何收汁卻不燒焦?How to reduce the sauce of scallion-braised pork chop without scorching?茄汁醬豬排Pork Chop in Tomato Sauce⊙煎煮豬排怎樣防止肉質變老?How to prevent the texture of a pork chop from tough and dry when pan-frying?日式炸豬排Japanese Style Pork Chop⊙如何炸香酥不油膩的日式豬排?How to successfully deep-fry crispy and ungreasy Japanese style pork chop?香草豬排Herbal Pork Chop⊙煎豬排怎樣保留肉汁鮮美有嚼勁?How to keep pan-fried pork chops moist and chewy?照燒醬煎豬排Teriyaki Pork Chop⊙厚豬排要怎麼煎才會滑嫩可口?How to pan-fry tender and juicy thick pork chops?芝香炸里肌排Sesame Pork Loin Strips⊙炸里肌排怎麼做才會外酥內嫩?How to cook a tender-inside-and-crunchy-outside pork loin?藍帶豬排Cordon Bleu Pork Chop⊙藍帶豬排用哪一種起司比較香?What cheese is the best mate to cordon bleu pork chop?南乳醬豬排Pork Chop in Rred Fermented Bean Curd⊙如何煮濃香四溢的南乳醬豬排?How to cook rich and tangy pork chops in red fermented bean curd?泰式檸檬豬排Thai-style Lemon Pork Chop⊙泰式風味的檸檬豬排怎樣調味?How to make a Thai style condiment to flavor pork chops?蘑菇醬煎豬排Pan-fried Pork Chop with Mushroom Sauce⊙蘑菇醬怎麼煮才會濃香滑順?How to cook a rich and smooth mushroom sauce?椒鹽排骨酥Crispy Pepper-salt Spareribs⊙怎樣炸出香Q彈牙的排骨酥?How to deep-fry al dente and springy spareribs?紅酒里肌排Pork Chop with Red Wine⊙香辣不嗆口的里肌排怎麼煮?How to cook spicy but smooth pork loin?金沙焗排骨Roasted Pork Ribs with Salted Egg Yolk⊙如何使金沙緊緊黏附排骨?How to make the mashed salted egg yolk tightly adhere to the ribs?紅油香酥排Spicy Crisp-fried Pork Ribs⊙如何炸出既酥又嫩的香酥排?How to deep-fry crispy and tender pork ribs?米香排骨Spare Ribs with Puffed Rice⊙怎樣做清香爽口的米香排骨?How to cook refreshing and rice-fragrant pork ribs?排骨料理 第二招 垂涎欲滴的排骨調味醬Rib Cuisines Part 2 Tantalizingly Delicious Rib Condiments蔥燒排骨Scallion-braised Spare Ribs⊙蔥燒排骨為何要先炸過再燒?Why do I deep-fry the pork ribs before braising?紅糟排骨Pork Chop in Fermented Yeast Rice Paste⊙紅糟排骨怎麼煮才香醇入味?How to make pork ribs thoroughly absorb rice yeast paste?糖醋小排Sweet-and-sour Pork Ribs⊙糖醋小排怎麼燒風味更香濃?How to prepare sweet-and-sour pork ribs with bountiful flavor?蠔油子排Pork Ribs with Oyster Sauce⊙蠔油子排怎麼煮才不會太鹹?How to make this dish less salty?嫩滷排骨筍乾Bamboo Shoots Stewed Spareribs⊙如何滷滑嫩爽口的排骨筍乾?How to cook the soft and refresh stewed bamboo shoots spareribs?魚香排骨Pork Ribs with Garlic Sauce⊙魚香排骨怎麼燒才鮮醇可口?How to cook luscious pork ribs in garlic sauce?無錫排骨Wuxi-style Pork Sparerib⊙無錫排骨如何煮出醬紅色?How to cook Wuxi style sauce with beautiful crimson?栗子燒排骨Braised Spareribs with Chestnuts⊙如何使栗子綿密有口感?How to cook smooth and tasty chestnuts?蜜汁香肋排Honey-glazed Spareribs⊙香肋排怎麼烤才香甜不焦黑?How to roast flavored pork spareribs without charred effect?橙汁排骨Orange Flavored Pork Ribs⊙如何使橙汁風味更香濃持久?How to make the flavor of the orange sauce tangy and long-lasting?京都焗排骨Roasted Pork Ribs with Peking Sauce⊙京都排骨怎麼煮才香氣十足?How to cook a perfect and tangy Peking spareribs dish?豆瓣燒排骨Bean-paste Pork Ribs⊙豆瓣醬怎麼燒才會鮮醇甘美?How to cook a mellow and tangy broad bean paste?腐乳燜肉排Pork Ribs Stewed in Fermented Bean Curd⊙燒燜肉排材料為何要事先炸香?Why do I deep-fry some ingredients used in this dish before stewing them?沙嗲醬燒排Braised Pork Belly with Satay Sauce⊙沙嗲醬怎麼燒才會香濃不膩口?How to prepare fragrant but not sickly sweet Satay sauce?雙冬燜子排Pork Ribs Stewed with Vegetables⊙雙冬怎麼燜才會香氣濃郁?How to cook rich and flavorful winter mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots?宮保燜排骨Kungpao Pork Ribs⊙宮保排骨怎樣才會香辣帶勁?How to cook pungent and spicy Kungpao pork ribs?鳳梨咕咾肉排Sweet-and-sour Pork with Pineapple⊙怎樣增進咕咾肉排的果香味?How to present fruity flavor in sweet-and-sour pork ribs?咖哩燜肉排Braised Curry Pork Ribs⊙如何燒辛辣夠味的咖哩醬?How to cook spicy and tangy curry sauce for braised curry pork ribs?椰汁醬焗排骨Roasted Pork Ribs in Coconut Sauce⊙焗烤椰汁排骨為何要加麵糊?Why do I use batter in this roasted pork ribs?芋香燜排骨Stewed Pork Ribs with Taros⊙芋頭為何要先炸再煮排骨?Why do I deep-fry taro pieces ahead of braising them?三杯燜肉排Three-cup Pork Ribs⊙三杯燜肉排是指哪「三杯」?What does “three-cup” mean?排骨料理 第三招 原汁原味的蒸燉&湯品Rib Cuisines Part 3 Original Taste, Typical Flavor of Steamed Dishes and Soups梅子蒸肉排Steamed Pork Ribs with Chinese Plums⊙蒸排骨怎麼做才鮮嫩多汁?What is the tip for cooking tender, and juicy steamed pork ribs?豉汁苦瓜排骨Pork Ribs with Bitter Melon⊙如何蒸出豉汁的香辣鮮美?How to make the fermented black soybean sauce spicy and mellow?粉蒸番薯排骨Steamed Pork Ribs with Sweet Potato⊙番薯如何蒸才鬆軟不過爛?How to steam soft sweet potatoes without getting mushy?脆瓜蒸肉排Steamed Pork Ribs with Pickled Baby Cucumber⊙怎樣蒸出脆瓜的鮮美原味?How to make the baby cucumber fresh and delicious?南瓜醬蒸小排Steamed Pork Ribs with Pumpkin⊙南瓜蒸排骨為何要連皮烹煮?Why do I keep pumpkin’s skin without peeling when and steam it with pork ribs together?梅干菜蒸排骨Steamed Pork Ribs with Meigan Cai⊙梅乾菜怎樣處理排骨才會香?How to prepare meigan cai making pork ribs more flavorful?香滷肉骨茶Tangy Stewed Meat-bone-tea (Bak-kut-the)⊙如何滷香濃無藥味的肉骨茶?How to stew meat-bone-tea without medicinal flavor?玉米老薑排骨湯Sparerib Soup with Corn and Ginger⊙排骨為何要先汆燙才能熬湯?Why do I blanch pork ribs ahead of cooking them in soup?藥膳南瓜燉排骨Tonic Stewed Pork Ribs with Pumpkin⊙藥膳排骨如何香醇無苦味?How to cook flavorful medicinal pork ribs without harsh taste?牛蒡排骨湯Sparerib Soup with Burdock Root⊙怎樣煮鮮美無澀味的牛蒡?How to cook tasty burdock root without harsh taste?鮮茄羅宋排骨湯Russian-borscht Style Pork Rib Soup with Tomato⊙ 羅宋湯為何不能太早放香料?Why should not add spices too early in Russian-borscht style soup?十全排骨湯Perfect Tonic Pork Soup⊙十全排骨湯怎麼煮才滋補?How to cook authentic, perfect and tonic pork soup?薑母燒酒排Rice Wine Pork Soup with Mature Ginger⊙薑母燒酒排怎麼做才不苦?How to cook this rice wine pork soup without bitter taste?魚翅排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Shark Fin⊙魚翅湯為何不能直接熬煮排骨?Why should not stew pork ribs directly in shark fin soup?魷魚排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Squid⊙乾魷魚如何處理才香脆?How to prepare dried squid making it crispy and flavorful?白菜排骨酥湯Crispy Ribs in Cabbage Soup⊙排骨酥湯為何要隔水燉煮?Why should this recipe be cooked with double-boiler arrangement?四神排骨湯Pork Ribs with Four Spirits Soup⊙四神排骨湯一定要加酒調味?Is wine a necessary ingredient in this recipe?青紅蘿蔔排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Radish and Carrot⊙煮排骨湯為何最速配蘿蔔?Why does pork rib pair carrot and radish perfectly?紅豆蓮藕排骨湯Pork Rib Soup with Red Beans and Lotus Roots⊙煮蓮藕湯如何避免顏色變黑?How to avoid lotus root soup turning black?什錦排骨鍋Combination Soup with Pork Ribs⊙如何做出湯底厚醇的什錦鍋?How to make my combination soup rich and full?


書名 / 排骨料理真有味
作者 / 郭泰王 張華通
簡介 / 排骨料理真有味:[本書特色]排骨料理可說是最大眾化的平民美食,從夜市小吃到家庭餐桌,始終是受人喜愛的好滋味!不論是金黃酥脆的炸排骨或養生滋補的藥膳排骨,酸甜美味的
出版社 / 人類文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789863730163
ISBN10 / 9863730165
EAN / 9789863730163
誠品26碼 / 2680927952002
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 26X21CM
級別 / N:無
