涼麵速配醬汁 | 誠品線上


作者 李建軒 (Jian-Hsuan Li)
出版社 人類文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 涼麵速配醬汁:【本書特色】◎介紹60多種美味醬汁搭配涼麵料理,隨手拌一拌,清爽不油膩,味道酸、甜、香、辣,任君挑選,教你自己在家做涼麵,天天換花樣!◎內容分中式家


內容簡介 【本書特色】 ◎介紹60多種美味醬汁搭配涼麵料理,隨手拌一拌,清爽不油膩,味道酸、甜、香、辣,任君挑選,教你自己在家做涼麵,天天換花樣! ◎內容分中式家常涼麵、異國風情涼麵和百搭涼麵醬三大單元,每道食譜皆附醬汁配方和作法,並提示製作訣竅,輕鬆做出各種口味的涼麵。 ◎運用家常食材,將傳統涼麵經由不同口味的醬汁加以創新,塑造出多彩繽紛、色香味俱全的涼麵料理,從傳統的麻醬涼麵、川辣涼麵到各國代表性涼麵及醬料,一一抓準特色及味蕾,讓人胃口大開! 【內容簡介】 內容分中式家常涼麵、異國風情涼麵和百搭涼麵醬三大單元,將傳統涼麵經由不同的醬汁及配料搭配,加以創新,有別於一般人對涼麵的刻板印象,在口味上也包羅萬象,從傳統的中式口味到各國代表性醬料,一一抓準特色及味蕾,絕對滿足每一張挑剔的嘴!


作者介紹 ■作者簡介李建軒現任 :桃園縣私立光啟高中 餐飲科專任技術教師好帝一食品有限公司 (牛頭牌咖哩塊&泰式湯塊) 產品代言人商多利國際有限公司 產品創意廚師彼立恩國際有限公司 產品創意廚師麥肯龍鳳食品有限公司 創意廚師


產品目錄 從傳統出發,創新涼麵風味Create New Cold Noodle Flavors From Tradition大口吃涼麵~清涼消暑爽一下Eating Cold Noodles in Big BitesRefreshing in Summer各國涼麵風味超級比一比Comparison of Cold Noodle Flavors from Each Country常用麵條介紹Commonly Used Noodles涼麵基本調味用料Basic Flavorings for Cold Noodles自己做涼麵Q&AQ&A on Making Your Own Cold Noodles中式家常涼麵~怎麼拌都好吃Chinese-Styled Homemade Cold Noodles Taste Great No Matter What You Mix麻醬雞絲涼麵 ●傳統芝麻醬Cold Noodles with Shredded Chicken and Sesame Paste●Traditional Sesame Paste炸醬涼麵 ●炸醬Cold Noodles with Fried Bean Sauce ●Fried Bean Sauce蒜辣叉燒涼麵 ●蒜香辣味醬Cold Noodles with Spicy Garlic Roasted Pork ●Spicy Minced Garlic Sauce豆瓣腐乳涼麵 ●豆瓣腐乳醬Cold Noodles with Fermented Bean Curd Paste ●Fermented Bean Curd Paste五味海鮮涼麵 ●五味醬Cold Noodles with Five Spices Seafood ●Five Spices Sauce味噌辣味涼麵 ●味噌甜辣醬Spicy Miso Cold Noodles ●Miso Sweet and Chili Sauce芝香腐乳涼麵 ●芝麻腐乳醬Cold Noodles with Sesame Fermented Bean Paste●Sesame Fermented Bean Paste香蔥蒜泥涼麵 ●香蔥蒜泥醬Cold Noodles with Scallions and Garlic Sauce●Scallions and Garlic Sauce豉汁肉絲涼麵 ●豉汁醬Cold Noodles with Shredded Pork in Black Bean Sauce●Black Bean Sauce花生紅油涼麵 ●花生紅油醬Cold Noodles with Peanut and Chili Oil ●Peanut and Chili Oil Sauce川味麻辣涼麵 ●香麻辣醬Sichuan Spicy Cold Noodles ●Sesame Chili Oil Sauce醋味麻醬涼麵 ●醋味麻醬Cold Noodles with Vinegar and Sesame Paste● Vinegar Sesame Paste魚香茄子涼麵 ●魚香醬Cold Noodles with Spicy Garlic Sauce and Eggplants●Spicy Garlic Sauce蒜蓉涼麵●蒜蓉醬Cold Noodles with Minced Garlic●Minced Garlic Paste薑蓉醋味涼麵 ●薑蓉醋味醬Cold Noodles with Minced Ginger and Vinegar●Minced Ginger and Vinegar Sauce怪味涼麵 ●怪味醬Cold Noodles with Unqiue Sauce●Unique SauceXO醬涼麵●XO醬Cold Noodles with XO Sauce●XO Sauce雲南酸甜涼麵●雲南酸甜醬Yunnan-Styled Sweet and Sour Cold Noodles●Yunnan-Styled Sweet and Sour Sauce豆乳辣醬涼麵●豆乳泥辣醬Cold Noodles with Spicy Fermented Bean Curd●Spicy Fermented Bean Curd Sauce鳳黃涼麵 ●鳳梨黃豆醬Cold Noodles with Pineapple and Soy Paste ●Pineapple and Soy Bean Paste乾燒醬涼麵 ●乾燒醬Cold Noodles with Dry-Braised Sauce●Dry-Braised Sauce金桔涼麵 ●客家金桔醬Kumquat Cold Noodles●Hakka Kumquat Paste異國風情涼麵~一次吃個過癮Having Fun in Eating Cold Noodles with Exotic Flavors日式風味和風沙拉涼麵 ●和風沙拉醬Japanese-Styled Salad Cold Noodles●Japanese-Styled Salad Dressing照燒涼麵●照燒醬Teriyaki Cold Noodles ●Teriyaki Sauce綠芥末沙拉涼麵●綠芥末沙拉醬Green Mustard Salad Cold Noodles ●Green Mustard Salad Dressing山藥花枝涼麵 ●山藥泥醬Cold Noodles with Yam and Cuttlefish ●Yam Mash Paste干貝芥末籽涼麵 ● 芥末籽沙拉醬Cold Noodles with Scallops and Mustard Seeds●Mustard Seeds Salad Dressing味噌叉燒涼麵 ●味噌沙拉醬Cold Noodles with Miso and Roasted Pork ●Miso Salad Dressing和風芝麻涼麵●和風芝麻醬Japanese-Styled Sesame Cold Noodles●Japanese-Styled Sesame Paste蘿蔔泥拌冷麵 ●蘿蔔泥醬Cold Noodles Mixed with Radish Mash Paste●Radish Mash Paste昆布涼麵 ●昆布醬Cold Noodles with Kelp ●Kelp Sauce韓式風味韓式泡菜涼麵 ●韓式辣醬Korean-Styled Kimchi Cold Noodles ●Korean Chili Paste韓式麻辣涼麵 ●韓式麻辣醬Korean-Styled Spicy Cold Noodles●Korean Spicy Paste南洋風味泰式魚露涼麵 ●泰式魚露醬Cold Noodles with Thai-Styled Fish Sauce ●Thai-Styled Fish Sauce馬拉盞涼麵 ●馬拉盞醬Cold Noodles with Malay Sauce ●Malay Sauce沙嗲涼麵 ●沙嗲醬Satay Cold Noodles ●Satay Sauce綠咖哩椰汁涼麵 ●綠咖哩椰汁醬Green Curry and Coconut Juice Cold Noodles ●Green Curry and Coconut Juice Sauce南洋紅咖哩涼麵 ●南洋紅咖哩醬Southeast Asian Red Curry Cold Noodles●Southeast Asian Red Curry Sauce新加坡辣醬涼麵 ●新加坡辣醬Cold Noodles with Singapore Chili Sauce ●Singapore Chili Sauce西式風味義大利油醋涼麵 ●義大利油醋醬Cold Noodles with Italian Oil and Vinegar●Italian Oil and Vinegar Sauce優格涼麵 ●優格醬Cold Noodles with Yogurt ●Yogurt Sauce柚香涼麵 ●柚香沙拉醬Grapefruit Cold Noodles ●Grapefruit Salad Dressing乳香鮪魚涼麵 ●乳香醬Milky Tuna Cold Noodles ■Milk Scent Paste莎莎涼麵 ●墨西哥莎莎醬Salsa Cold Noodles ●Mexican Salsa Sauce酪梨涼麵 ●墨西哥酪梨醬Avocado Cold Noodles ■Mexican Avocado Sauce凱撒沙拉涼麵 ●凱撒沙拉醬Caesar Salad Cold Noodles ●Caesar Salad Dressing百搭涼麵醬~隨手拌真爽口Sauces That Go with Anything are Delicious紫蘇梅辣味涼麵 ●紫蘇梅辣味醬Spicy Perilla Plum Cold Noodles ●Spicy Perilla Plum Sauce沙茶羊肉涼麵 ●沙茶孜然醬Cold Noodles with Shacha Lamb ●Shacha and Cumin Sauce香椿涼麵 ●香椿醬Cold Noodles with Chinese Toon●Chinese Toon Sauce樹子涼麵 ●樹子醬Cold Noodles with Plum Cordia●Plum Cordia Paste蒜酥三絲涼麵 ●蒜酥醬Cold Noodles with Crisp Garlic ●Crisp Garlic Sauce蠔香牛肉涼麵 ●蠔香油醋醬Cold Noodles with Oyster-Flavored Beef●Oyster-Flavored Oil and Vinegar Sauce蘋果蒜泥涼麵 ●蘋果蒜泥醬Cold Noodles with Apple and Garlic Mash●Apple and Garlic Mash Paste蒜味紅麴涼麵 ●蒜味紅麴醬Cold Noodles with Garlic-Flavored Red Yeast●Garlic-Flavored Red Yeast Sauce咖哩花生涼麵 ●咖哩花生醬Cold Noodles with Curry Sauce ●Curry Peanut paste蒜香沙茶涼麵 ●蒜香沙茶醬Cold Noodles with Garlic-Flavored Shacha Sauce●Garlic-Flavored Shacha Sauce奇異果涼麵 ●奇異果泥醬Cold Noodles with Kiwifruits ●Kiwifruit Mash Paste百搭醬料DIYDIY Cold Noodles Sauces that Go with Anything Well●紅蔥肉燥醬Sauce with Shallots and Minced Pork●蒜蓉茄汁醬Minced Garlic Tomato Sauce●薑醋醬Ginger and Vinegar Sauce●千島沙拉醬Thousand Isalnd Dressing●梅漬醬Marinated Plum Sauce●蔥薑油醬Scallions and Ginger Oil Sauce


書名 / 涼麵速配醬汁
作者 / 李建軒 (Jian-Hsuan Li)
簡介 / 涼麵速配醬汁:【本書特色】◎介紹60多種美味醬汁搭配涼麵料理,隨手拌一拌,清爽不油膩,味道酸、甜、香、辣,任君挑選,教你自己在家做涼麵,天天換花樣!◎內容分中式家
出版社 / 人類文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789865744908
ISBN10 / 9865744902
EAN / 9789865744908
誠品26碼 / 2680905759005
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 26X21CM
級別 / N:無