The Trials of Apollo 5: The Tower of Nero | 誠品線上

太陽神試煉 5: 尼祿之塔

作者 雷克.萊爾頓
商品描述 The Trials of Apollo 5: The Tower of Nero:《太陽神試煉5:尼祿之塔》It'stimetofacethefinaltrial...ThebattleforCampJupiterisover.NewRomeissafe.Tarquinandhisarmyof


內容簡介 美國奇幻小說大師 雷克‧萊爾頓 希臘羅馬混血英雄故事最終回!★美國讀者票選獎年度少年最佳童書★★《紐約時報》童書暢銷榜第1名★★亞馬遜網路書店暢銷榜第1名★ 邪惡三巨頭之首尼祿設下期限,如果阿波羅不束手就擒,羅馬皇帝就會按下毀滅世界的按鈕!偏偏這位落難天神,還有個千年死敵等在那裡…… 在混血人朋友的幫助下,阿波羅與夥伴成功抵禦了卡利古拉和康莫德斯的致命襲擊。但他與夥伴梅格仍須完成最後一項任務:回到紐約曼哈頓的尼祿之塔。三巨頭之首尼祿即將啟動摧毀世界與混血營的按鈕,他的背後甚至還有一個更為強大的邪惡力量來源。在最終回中,所有神諭的謎團將一一揭曉。究竟凡人萊斯特能不能重返天界?翻開書,這裡有答案! 【系列特色】◎【波西傑克森】【混血營英雄】系列之後,再探希羅神話的底蘊【波西傑克森】【混血營英雄】推出之後,掀起全球大小讀者對希臘/羅馬神話的關注與學習興趣,讓關係複雜的天神們不再遙不可及。這次,雷克‧萊爾頓的【太陽神試煉】以最俊美、最暖心、最多才多藝的型男天神阿波羅為主角,帶領讀者看見不一樣希臘羅馬神話,開啟全新且刺激的冒險歷程。 ◎天神角色新詮釋神話閱讀再進階,【太陽神試煉】以太陽神阿波羅為主述者,角色性格突出立體有衝突感,對話內容逗趣搞笑,在緊張的氣氛間充滿輕鬆的閱讀趣味。 本中文書介出自《太陽神試煉 5: 尼祿之塔》遠流出版事業股份有限公司出版It's time to face the final trial . . .The battle for Camp Jupiter is over. New Rome is safe. Tarquin and his army of the undead have been defeated. Somehow Apollo has made it out alive, with a little bit of help from the Hunters of Artemis.But though the battle may have been won, the war is far from over.Now Apollo and Meg must get ready for the final - and, let's face it, probably fatal - adventure. They must face the last emperor, the terrifying Nero, and destroy him once and for all.Can Apollo find his godly form again? Will Meg be able to face up to her troubled past? Destiny awaits . . ."


作者介紹 Rick RiordanRick Riordan, dubbed 'storyteller of the gods' by Publishers Weekly, is the author of five New York Times number-one bestselling book series with millions of copies sold throughout the world: Percy Jackson, the Heroes of Olympus and the Trials of Apollo, based on Greek and Roman mythology; the Kane Chronicles, based on Egyptian mythology; and Magnus Chase, based on Norse mythology. Rick lives in Boston with his wife, Becky, and their two sons, and when he's not writing, he enjoys traveling the world. He's even been known to go scuba diving on occasion.


書名 / The Trials of Apollo 5: The Tower of Nero
作者 / 雷克.萊爾頓
簡介 / The Trials of Apollo 5: The Tower of Nero:《太陽神試煉5:尼祿之塔》It'stimetofacethefinaltrial...ThebattleforCampJupiterisover.NewRomeissafe.Tarquinandhisarmyof
ISBN13 / 9780141364094
ISBN10 / 0141364092
EAN / 9780141364094
誠品26碼 / 2682054564004
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
