Recycle and Remake: Creative Projects for Eco Kids | 誠品線上

Recycle and Remake

作者 DK
商品描述 Recycle and Remake: Creative Projects for Eco Kids:回收與再生環保小尖兵的創意點子地球是我們的家,但因為人類種種開發活動,使得地球生病了。如濫伐樹木,將森林移作


內容簡介 回收與再生 環保小尖兵的創意點子 地球是我們的家,但因為人類種種開發活動,使得地球生病了。如濫伐樹木,將森林移作城市、農場,這些樹木原本可以清除讓地球暖化的氣體,現在沒有了樹,地球又更熱了;快時尚造成的衣物快速淘汰、海洋塑膠汙染與食物浪費 (有的甚至連吃都沒吃過),產生更多無法消化的垃圾,地球變得又虛又髒,得好好愛護才行。本書提供環保小尖兵們許多點子,像是自製再生紙,可以保護樹木;把舊的包包變成風箏、友情幸運手環、彩色袋子,讓海洋不再充滿塑膠。不想再穿的舊衣改可搖身一變時尚托特包;牛奶塑膠盒可以變成小盆栽等,另外,也提供自製堆肥的作法,認識太陽能等,讓物盡其用,再利用重生,永續地球生命力。 Kids are on a mission to save the Earth! Recycle and Remake is the hands-on, practical guide you need to get started. This gentle, but empowering book is full of creative making activities, information, and ideas that give young eco-warriors (like you!) the know-how to really help the environment. With Recycle and Remake, you will soon be saving trees by making your own seeded recycled paper from junk mail, cleaning up the oceans by turning old carrier bags into kites, friendship bracelets, and colourful weaved baskets, and repurposing a cardboard box into a periscope. You'll also learn about sustainable energies by creating a simple solar oven, cutting down on cling-film by making a food wrap from scrap cotton and beeswax, and turning an old tshirt into a reusable tote bag so you never need to buy a plastic carrier bag again. You can even grow new plants to clean the air in your own upcycled milk bottle planters and using homemade compost. Each of the activities directly relates to an environmental hot topic, such as plastic pollution, food waste, or deforestation. Budding environmentalists all over the world are feeling inspired to do their bit for our unique planet.


書名 / Recycle and Remake: Creative Projects for Eco Kids
作者 / DK
簡介 / Recycle and Remake: Creative Projects for Eco Kids:回收與再生環保小尖兵的創意點子地球是我們的家,但因為人類種種開發活動,使得地球生病了。如濫伐樹木,將森林移作
ISBN13 / 9780241395813
ISBN10 / 024139581X
EAN / 9780241395813
誠品26碼 / 2681956570007
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X19.6X1CM
級別 / N:無
