A Shot to Save the World: The Inside Story of the Life-or-Death Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine | 誠品線上

疫苗商戰: 新冠危機下AZ、BNT、輝瑞、莫德納、嬌生、Novavax的生死競賽

作者 古格里.佐克曼
商品描述 A Shot to Save the World: The Inside Story of the Life-or-Death Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine:《疫苗商戰:新冠危機下AZ、BNT、輝瑞、莫德納、嬌生、Novavax的生死競賽


內容簡介 溯源超過40年 訪問超過300位產官學研專家以宛如小說的筆法 生動展現新冠疫苗5大廠牌的激烈商戰「一本鼓舞人心、資訊豐富,讓人愛不釋手的書。」──《賈伯斯傳》作者 華特‧艾薩克森2020年新冠肺炎爆發時,幾乎沒有人做好準備。政府官員、企業領導人和公共衛生專家對於百年來最具破壞性的流行病束手無策,就連許多世界上最大的藥廠和疫苗製造商都反應遲緩,無法拯救絕望的世人。當病毒劫持世界,此時挺身而出的,竟是一群看起來不可靠的科學家和商人!包括狀似滿口謊話的法國商人班塞爾(莫德納執行長)、沒有研發病毒疫苗經驗的土耳其移民吳沙忻(BNT創辦人)、使用可疑技術的波士頓科學家巴魯克(腺病毒專家)、被同儕排擠的英國科學家沃倫和匈牙利籍研究員考里科(mRNA研究先鋒)……為了與死亡賽跑,這些科學家與商人群起而戰,爭相將畢生的努力投入新冠疫苗,力圖在這場研發競賽中奪得勝利。《華爾街日報》調查記者、《紐約時報》暢銷書第一名作家古格里‧祖克曼帶我們潛進高度機密的實驗室及各大疫苗機構高層。深入淺出的報導,加上高潮迭起的劇情,讓本書不只是當代最重要的疫苗科學編年史,也成就一則關於競爭、野心與信念的動人故事。【權威推薦】開發新冠疫苗的競賽是醫學史上最激勵人心的劇情,而《疫苗商戰》是基於出色的報導與訪問所有團隊所呈現出讓人激動的故事。這是一本鼓舞人心、資訊豐富,讓人愛不釋手的書。──《賈伯斯傳》作者 華特‧艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson)對科學研究與各方人物的性格描述皆有所本。如同眾多偉大的科學傳奇,本書也描繪出各式各樣的機緣、失敗、堅持、挫折,以及失落。──《自然》期刊(Nature)新冠疫苗發展的迷人紀實著作;作者以扣人心弦的手法描繪複雜的科學研發過程,切入角度令人驚艷,讓人捨不得放下這本書。──《出版者週刊》(Publishers Weekly)作者透過嚴謹的考究敘述這場讓人印象深刻的醫學勝利,值得一讀!──《柯克斯書評》(Kirkus Reviews)敘事推展手法令人振奮,在探討現實世界科學企業精神的書籍中,這無疑是我讀過最優秀的作品,精采程度不輸崔西‧基德(Tracy Kidder)的經典著作《新機器的錄魂》(The Soul of a New Machine)。我大力推薦各位一讀!──保羅‧卡卓斯基(Paul Kedrosky)SK創投公司(SK Ventures)投資人暨合夥人一定要讀!──美國最長壽且經典的生活休閒雜誌《城鎮與鄉村》(Town & Country)本中文書介出自《疫苗商戰: 新冠危機下AZ、BNT、輝瑞、莫德納、嬌生、Novavax的生死競賽》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版“An inspiring and informative page-turner.” –Walter IsaacsonLonglisted for the FT McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award The authoritative account of the race to produce the vaccines that are saving us all, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Man Who Solved the MarketFew were ready when a mysterious respiratory illness emerged in Wuhan, China in January 2020. Politicians, government officials, business leaders, and public-health professionals were unprepared for the most devastating pandemic in a century. Many of the world’s biggest drug and vaccine makers were slow to react or couldn’t muster an effective response. It was up to a small group of unlikely and untested scientists and executives to save civilization. A French businessman dismissed by many as a fabulist. A Turkish immigrant with little virus experience. A quirky Midwesterner obsessed with insect cells. A Boston scientist employing questionable techniques. A British scientist despised by his peers. Far from the limelight, each had spent years developing innovative vaccine approaches. Their work was met with skepticism and scorn. By 2020, these individuals had little proof of progress. Yet they and their colleagues wanted to be the ones to stop the virus holding the world hostage. They scrambled to turn their life’s work into life-saving vaccines in a matter of months, each gunning to make the big breakthrough—and to beat each other for the glory that a vaccine guaranteed. A #1 New York Times bestselling author and award-winning Wall Street Journal investigative journalist lauded for his “bravura storytelling” (Gary Shteyngart) and “first-rate” reporting (The New York Times), Zuckerman takes us inside the top-secret laboratories, corporate clashes, and high-stakes government negotiations that led to effective shots. Deeply reported and endlessly gripping, this is a dazzling, blow-by-blow chronicle of the most consequential scientific breakthrough of our time. It’s a story of courage, genius, and heroism. It’s also a tale of heated rivalries, unbridled ambitions, crippling insecurities, and unexpected drama. A Shot to Save the World is the story of how science saved the world."


作者介紹 Gregory ZuckermanGregory Zuckerman is the author of The Greatest Trade Ever, The Frackers, and The Man Who Solved the Market and is a Special Writer at the Wall Street Journal. At the Journal, Zuckerman writes about financial firms, personalities and trades, as well as hedge funds and other investing and business topics. He's a three-time winner of the Gerald Loeb award, the highest honor in business journalism. Zuckerman also appears regularly on CNBC, Fox Business and other networks and radio stations around the globe.


書名 / A Shot to Save the World: The Inside Story of the Life-or-Death Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine
作者 / 古格里.佐克曼
簡介 / A Shot to Save the World: The Inside Story of the Life-or-Death Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine:《疫苗商戰:新冠危機下AZ、BNT、輝瑞、莫德納、嬌生、Novavax的生死競賽
ISBN13 / 9780593420393
ISBN10 / 059342039X
EAN / 9780593420393
誠品26碼 / 2682059704009
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.9CM
級別 / N:無
