The Summer I Turned Pretty | 誠品線上

戀夏三部曲 1: 說我喜歡你

作者 韓珍妮
商品描述 The Summer I Turned Pretty:【影集《夏日之戀》原著小說:韓珍妮《戀夏三部曲1:說我喜歡你》】BellyhasanunforgettablesummerinthisstunningstarttotheSummerITurnedPret


內容簡介 影集《夏日之戀》原著小說有種輕飄飄的感覺像是心裡灑小花連最淡定的妳也忍不住「好想談戀愛!」今夏最氣質的透明輕閱讀,女孩們專屬的戀愛小清新獻給每個曾經為愛卑微的女生,她們的失落、心碎與美麗美國女生都在瘋戀夏,上市未滿兩個月銷量突破 100,000 冊全球狂售英、德、法、荷等15 國版權多少人以朋友的名義,困在愛情裡……我感覺到熟悉的悸動,那股想跟他在一起的渴望──我可以忍好幾個月,甚至好幾年。我騙自己以為已經自由了,以為已經放開他了。但我愛他,可能永遠都會愛他。我會一輩子都以某種方式愛著他……剛滿十六歲的貝莉,每年都在海邊別墅渡過夏天。和她一起長大的兩兄弟──康拉德和傑瑞米亞每年都把她當笨蛋來捉弄。但今年夏天不一樣了。第一次海風吹起來又軟又甜,青春就是夏日最美的樣子。傑從未用那種眼光看著她,康憂鬱嘲諷的嘴角讓人想要親吻──那個讓她在十二歲就心碎的男生。但她的唇已經被人碰過,被傑瑞米亞碰過了……「他會傷妳的心。」若即若離的康,像深海般變化莫測。越在乎的人越猜不透,微微暈眩的熱度,讓情節在猛跳的心臟裡上演。貝莉不想再當一個可有可無的存在,她得告訴他她愛他……「一本夏日純情書」:記錄「50%少女,50%女人」這段微妙又糾結的心事、初戀的曖昧與悸動、幻想與心碎。 純愛教主韓珍妮文字的輕甜微酸,溫柔每一顆想愛的少女心,也寫出所有女生在愛情裡都經歷過的心動與糾結,寂寞與失落。一個穿梭在懵懂與懂得之間,暖心又傷心的故事。交織了夏日海濱的種種回憶,哀嘆天真的逝去、人事的啟蒙,也見證了成長的酸甜苦辣。本中文書介出自《戀夏三部曲 1: 說我喜歡你》馬可孛羅文化事業股份有限公司出版Now a streaming series in Summer 2022!Belly has an unforgettable summer in this stunning start to the Summer I Turned Pretty series from the New York Times bestselling author of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Jenny Han.Some summers are just destined to be pretty.Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most importantly, away from Jeremiah and Conrad. They are the boys that Belly has known since her very first summer—they have been her brother figures, her crushes, and everything in between. But one summer, one wonderful and terrible summer, the more everything changes, the more it all ends up just the way it should have been all along."


作者介紹 Jenny HanJenny Han is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series, now Netflix movies. She is also the author of The Summer I Turned Pretty series, Shug, and Clara Lee and the Apple Pie Dream. She is the coauthor of the Burn for Burn trilogy, with Siobhan Vivian. Her books have been published in more than thirty languages. A former librarian, Jenny earned her MFA in creative writing at the New School. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.


書名 / The Summer I Turned Pretty
作者 / 韓珍妮
簡介 / The Summer I Turned Pretty:【影集《夏日之戀》原著小說:韓珍妮《戀夏三部曲1:說我喜歡你》】BellyhasanunforgettablesummerinthisstunningstarttotheSummerITurnedPret
ISBN13 / 9781665922074
ISBN10 / 1665922079
EAN / 9781665922074
誠品26碼 / 2682195936005
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.6X13.8X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
