Raina Telgemeier Collection Box Set (5冊合售) | 誠品線上

Raina Telgemeier Collection Box Set (5冊合售)

作者 Raina Telgemeier
商品描述 Raina Telgemeier Collection Box Set (5冊合售):作者RainaTelgemeier的真實趣事圖像小說成長過程中的大小事,如何克服的當中的恐懼與害怕,讓Raina的經驗和你一起集氣克


內容簡介 作者Raina Telgemeier的真實趣事圖像小說成長過程中的大小事,如何克服的當中的恐懼與害怕,讓Raina的經驗和你一起集氣克服。A box set of Raina Telgemeier's bestselling, award-winning graphic novels about family, friendship, and the highs and lows of growing up! Smile The true story of how Raina severely injured her two front teeth when she was in the sixth grade, and the dental drama that followed!Raina希望順順利利地度過小學第六年,但事與願違,在女童軍團的旅行中,不慎撞掉了兩顆門牙。Raina從此得戴上鋼牙牙套和矯正器,好麻煩。更尷尬的是,少了兩顆門牙,笑起來,超難看,Raina的聖誕禮物就是:「還我門牙!」。Raina因此成為牙科常客,應付牙齒大小事,不過生活中還有更多要應付:地震、與男生間解釋不清的曖昧,以及本來麻吉的朋友開始變冷淡…到底是怎麼了?這是作者Raina真實故事,以漫畫方式呈現的圖像小說,生動畫出沒有門牙的大窘況、沒辦法只好面對它的自我嘲解和樂觀。 Drama Callie is the set designer for her middle school's spring musical, and is determined to create a set worthy of Broadway. Both onstage AND offstage drama ensues! Sisters Raina can't wait to be a big sister. Amara is cute, but she's also cranky and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years... can they figure out how to get along?我想要有妹妹、妹妹、妹妹、妹妹!不過──現實跟想像未免也差太多了吧?蕾娜迫不及待想要有個妹妹,不過妹妹阿瑪拉出生後,她才發現事情沒有自己想得這麼簡單。妹妹很可愛,但是小嬰兒只會哭鬧,根本沒辦法一起玩!等阿瑪拉長大一點,蕾娜想跟她一起跳舞、畫畫、玩扮裝遊戲,但妹妹不這麼想!(對,妹妹就是愛唱反調!)---------此書介取自小麥田出版在即將展開的家庭旅行,蕾娜不想借給妹妹她最想要的畫筆,阿瑪拉則帶上了姊姊最怕的動物,同搭一台車、共度家族聚會的日子馬上開始,這將是一段煎熬的時光,或是和解的旅行呢?關係不佳的兩人有一天也忽然發現,爸爸、媽媽之間似乎也出現了問題,蕾娜和阿瑪拉忽然意識到,一家人的關係好像很脆弱…… Ghosts Catrina and her family move to a new town because her sister, Maya, is sick. When they learn there are ghosts there, Maya wants to meet one, and Cat must put aside her fears for Maya's sake -- and her own. Guts Raina has tummy trouble, and it seems to coincide with her worries about food, school, family, and changing friendships. A thoughtful, charming, and funny true story about growing up and gathering the courage to face -- and eventually conquer -- fear.有天晚上,Raina肚子痛到不行,無法再度入睡,而她媽媽也有同樣的症狀,原本以為只是單純的吃壞肚子,卻沒想到…事情可沒有如此單純!當Raina肚子狀況好轉,回到學校上課後,卻經歷了好多不同的事情,朋友間的狀況、同學間的相處…等,接二連三的麻煩事讓Raina的肚子持續處於不穩定的狀態,這一切到底發生了什麼事呢?


作者介紹 Raina Telgemeier Raina Telgemeier is the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award–winning creator of Smile, Sisters, and Guts, which are all graphic memoirs based on her childhood. She is also the creator of Drama and Ghosts, and is the adapter and illustrator of the first four Baby-sitters Club graphic novels. Raina lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. To learn more, visit her online at goRaina.com.


書名 / Raina Telgemeier Collection Box Set (5冊合售)
作者 / Raina Telgemeier
簡介 / Raina Telgemeier Collection Box Set (5冊合售):作者RainaTelgemeier的真實趣事圖像小說成長過程中的大小事,如何克服的當中的恐懼與害怕,讓Raina的經驗和你一起集氣克
ISBN13 / 9781338725124
ISBN10 / 1338725122
EAN / 9781338725124
誠品26碼 / 2681991899002
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14.6X9.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 作者Raina Telgemeier的真實趣事圖像小說