House of Hollow | 誠品線上

House of Hollow

作者 Krystal Sutherland
商品描述 House of Hollow:Hollow一家三姊妹在很小的時候,曾經莫名其妙地消失一個月,爸媽焦心尋找,最後姊妹平安出現了,只是身上沒有了衣物,髮色變了,由黑變白,藍色眼珠也漸


內容簡介 Hollow一家三姊妹在很小的時候,曾經莫名其妙地消失一個月,爸媽焦心尋找,最後姊妹平安出現了,只是身上沒有了衣物,髮色變了,由黑變白,藍色眼珠也漸漸變成黑色。這還是我原來的孩子嗎?爸爸受不了焦慮和折磨,心理失常,姊妹們和媽媽的關係也愈來愈惡化。10年後,三姊妹長大,大姊二姊各自離開這詭異的家庭。大姊Grey當起超級模特兒,二姊Vivi刺青、玩樂團,最小的妹妹Iris仍就讀高中,待在自己家。有一天,大姊毫無預警地失蹤,二姊Vivi和最小的Iris焦急地尋找,但發現尋找大姊的,還有他人…三姊妹雖然不在一起,卻可以感受到彼此—那是他們年幼失蹤返家後,才有的能力。曾經有人對姊妹提及的超自然力量以及他們年幼時的經歷,是否和姐姐的失蹤有關呢?那個力量,是否想召喚他們回家呢? A dark, twisty modern fairytale where three sisters discover they are not exactly all that they seem and evil things really do go bump in the night. A dark, twisty modern fairytale where three sisters discover they are not exactly all that they seem and evil things really do go bump in the night. Iris Hollow and her two older sisters are unquestionably strange. Ever since they disappeared on a suburban street in Scotland as children only to return a month a later with no memory of what happened to them, odd, eerie occurrences seem to follow in their wake. And they're changing. First, their dark hair turned white. Then, their blue eyes slowly turned black. They have insatiable appetites yet never gain weight. People find them disturbingly intoxicating, unbearably beautiful, and inexplicably dangerous. But now, ten years later, seventeen-year-old Iris Hollow is doing all she can to fit in and graduate high school on time--something her two famously glamourous globe-trotting older sisters, Grey and Vivi, never managed to do. But when Grey goes missing without a trace, leaving behind bizarre clues as to what might have happened, Iris and Vivi are left to trace her last few days. They aren't the only ones looking for her though. As they brush against the supernatural they realize that the story they've been told about their past is unraveling and the world that returned them seemingly unharmed ten years ago, might just be calling them home.


作者介紹 Krystal Sutherland Krystal Sutherland was born and raised in Townsville, Australia—an inhospitable land where crocodiles, snakes, and jellyfish are always on the prowl. She grew up living directly across the road from the local library and spent almost every day after school (and weekends, too) having adventures between the pages of books (mainly because it was too dangerous to go outside).She moved to Sydney for college (and safety), where she cut her writing teeth as the editor of the student magazine at the University of New South Wales. She kept gathering tales as an exchange student in Hong Kong and as a foreign correspondent in Amsterdam. Her first book, Our Chemical Hearts, was released in 2016, and was published in over twenty countries.Her three greatest fears are heights, dark caves . . . and (perhaps worst of all) frogs.


書名 / House of Hollow
作者 / Krystal Sutherland
簡介 / House of Hollow:Hollow一家三姊妹在很小的時候,曾經莫名其妙地消失一個月,爸媽焦心尋找,最後姊妹平安出現了,只是身上沒有了衣物,髮色變了,由黑變白,藍色眼珠也漸
ISBN13 / 9780593353608
ISBN10 / 0593353609
EAN / 9780593353608
誠品26碼 / 2681985293007
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X2CM
級別 / N:無
