Rise of the School for Good and Evil | 誠品線上

Rise of the School for Good and Evil

作者 蘇曼.查納尼
商品描述 Rise of the School for Good and Evil:Netflix電影《善惡魔法學院》原著小說ThebattlebetweenGoodandEvilbegins.GobackintimetothebeginningoftheSchoolforGoodandEvilan


內容簡介 Netflix電影《善惡魔法學院》原著小說全球狂銷逾200萬冊,橫掃110國+29種語言排行榜繼《哈利波特》、《波西傑克森》後,席捲全球的魔幻經典!環球影業超過百萬鎂,瘋搶影視版權!★紐約時報暢銷榜連續35週★美國邦諾書店年度最佳圖書★美國BAM!書店年度最佳圖書★英國水石書店年度風雲書決選★美國書商協會獨立書店暢銷書★Goodreads年度票選分類決選書在善惡對決的宿命中,只能有一人生還!誰善、誰惡、誰生還,這次將由你決定……….被無盡森林包圍的小鎮戈瓦登,每四年就有兩個孩子遭到綁架、失蹤,即便所有的人搜遍森林也找不到半點線索,這讓全部父母感到恐懼,深怕內心懷疑的飛天魔怪也看上自己小孩。如此令人擔憂與傷心的詛咒,百年來一直壟罩在整個戈瓦登的上空。若干年後人們發現,鎮上書店賣的故事書中,竟描繪著小孩失蹤後的種種情節──同年失蹤的兩人會展開宿命對決,勝者從此幸福快樂,敗者則墜入悲慘命運,而如今這次已輪到蘇菲與阿嘉莎了。 身為彼此最好的朋友,她們被帶往失蹤孩童的最終去處──善惡魔法學院,一個將小孩訓練成英雄與反派的傳奇之地。然而,當兩人被神祕客送到學院後發現──她們,似乎都被送錯地方,這錯誤也造成兩人深陷迷亂又複雜的命運之中……。 當命運出錯,完全反轉人生時,誰能保有善良初心,還是邪念將被燃起?當面對死亡得窘迫做出抉擇,誰能不為所動維持善念,又或者暴露自己的邪惡本性? 一個磅礡的魔幻世界,一次奇詭的驚天陰謀,一場善中有惡、惡中懷善的生死對決,最後結局絕對超乎你的想像,讓你愛不釋手、直呼過癮……。本中文書介出自《善惡魔法學院》方言文化出版事業有限公司出版THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix – starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Sofia Wylie, Sophie Anne Caruso, Jamie Flatters, Earl Cave, Kit Young and more!The battle between Good and Evil begins.Go back in time to the beginning of the School for Good and Evil and uncover the never-before-told events leading up to Sophie and Agatha’s dramatic arrival and the beginning of their epic fairy tale.Two brothers. One Good. One Evil.Together, they watch over the Endless Woods. Together, they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil. Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate.Then, something happens. Something that will change everything and everyone. Who will survive? Who will rule the School?The journey starts here. With magic, surprises and daring deeds at every turn, courage and loyalty will be put to the test, only to lead you to the very beginning of the adventures that are The School for Good and Evil.


作者介紹 Soman Chainani Soman Chainani studied at Harvard, practically creating his own fairytale major. He is also an acclaimed screenwriter, whose films have played at more than 150 film festivals, winning more than 30 jury and audience prizes. When he’s not telling stories or teaching, Soman is a die-hard tennis player. You can visit Soman online at www.somanchainani.net.


書名 / Rise of the School for Good and Evil
作者 / 蘇曼.查納尼
簡介 / Rise of the School for Good and Evil:Netflix電影《善惡魔法學院》原著小說ThebattlebetweenGoodandEvilbegins.GobackintimetothebeginningoftheSchoolforGoodandEvilan
ISBN13 / 9780008508029
ISBN10 / 000850802X
EAN / 9780008508029
誠品26碼 / 2682187297008
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.7CM
級別 / N:無
