The Big Book of Belonging | 誠品線上

The Big Book of Belonging

作者 Yuval Zommer
商品描述 The Big Book of Belonging:來自大自然,屬於大自然人類透過對話,溝通交流,但是動物怎麼交流呢?澳洲的琴鳥會模仿周遭的聲音,加勒比海礁魷魚會變顏色;梳頭髮時,頭髮


內容簡介 來自大自然,屬於大自然人類透過對話,溝通交流,但是動物怎麼交流呢?澳洲的琴鳥會模仿周遭的聲音,加勒比海礁魷魚會變顏色;梳頭髮時,頭髮會掉,為什麼呢?因為要給新頭髮生長的空間,好適應外在的環境,動物也是喔,狗狗會脫毛,蛇也會脫皮呢;人類為什麼要團隊合作呢?因為,有些事一個人做不來,所以得靠團體力量,動物間也有這樣的例子,如埃及鴴又稱「鱷魚鳥」,它在鱷魚的牙縫間尋覓食物殘屑,幫助鱷魚清潔牙齒,也讓自己飽餐一頓。人來自大自然,和自然界的動植物,外貌雖然不一樣,其實有很多共通點呢,本書除了從上述人類的溝通交流、掉髮、互助行為看彼此的共通處外,也從儲備食物、睡覺﹙蝴蝶也有睡覺時間,海獺睡覺時會手拉手﹚和外觀的角度﹙動物的花紋都不一樣﹚,告訴讀者每個人都是獨特的。師法自然,人和自然都是互相連結的喔。The new installment in the popular Big Book series connects young readers from around the world by emphasizing that we all belong to the same planet Earth.The Big Book of Belonging is a timely celebration of all the ways that humans are connected to life on planet Earth. With children at the heart of every beautifully illustrated spread, this book draws parallels between the way humans, plants, and animals live and behave. We all breathe the same air and take warmth from the same sun, we grow, we adapt to the seasons, and we live together in family groups.Readers will be fascinated to learn that instead of using words to communicate, fava beans send chemical messages through their roots, Caribbean reef squid send warnings of danger and even declarations of love by changing color, and that adorable big-eyed primates called tarsiers make calls to one another over the noise of the rainforest that are too high-pitched for predators to hear. By putting children at the heart of the book's concept, author Yuval Zommer unites readers of the Big Book series from all corners of the world under one banner-of belonging to planet Earth. The book's gentle message of caring for nature will inspire readers of all ages and encourage a new generation of environmentalists to flourish."


作者介紹 Yuval Zommer Yuval Zommer is an author, illustrator, and environmentalist based in London. He studied at the Royal College of Art and worked for many years as a creative director at leading advertising agencies before becoming an author and illustrator. His award-winning Big Book series has been published in twenty-five languages and has over one million copies in print.


書名 / The Big Book of Belonging
作者 / Yuval Zommer
簡介 / The Big Book of Belonging:來自大自然,屬於大自然人類透過對話,溝通交流,但是動物怎麼交流呢?澳洲的琴鳥會模仿周遭的聲音,加勒比海礁魷魚會變顏色;梳頭髮時,頭髮
ISBN13 / 9780500652640
ISBN10 / 0500652643
EAN / 9780500652640
誠品26碼 / 2681994017007
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 31.8X23.4X1CM
級別 / N:無
