The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow | 誠品線上

The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow

作者 Rick Riordan
商品描述 The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow:Intheirexcitingfinaladventure,nowinpaperback,CarterandSadieKanearethemortalworld'sonlyhopeofdefeatingtheforcesofcha


內容簡介 奇幻小說名家雷克‧萊爾頓【埃及守護神】系列,美國狂銷430萬冊!★《出版者週刊》暢銷榜第1名★《華爾街日報》暢銷榜第1名★《紐約時報》暢銷榜★《今日美國》暢銷榜★亞馬遜網路書店暢銷榜★邦諾書店暢銷榜【各界好評讚譽】萊爾頓巧妙地鋪陳了雙重性主題,包括宇宙的「秩序」與「混沌」、平凡生活與異常冒險,以及受到父母呵護與走出父母成就陰影。是一趟充滿魔法與引人深思的驚人冒險。──《科克斯評論》一段上古歷史課,無縫接軌地藉由一部熱鬧的冒險故事展開。萊爾頓創造了另一部有趣、頂尖的冒險小說。--《出版者週刊》萊爾頓的故事總是讓讀者大呼過癮!--英國《衛報》【本書特色】◎全球暢銷【波西傑克森】作者雷克‧萊爾頓埃及系列精采大結局!眾多讀者期待的萊爾頓【埃及守護神】系列,在等待一年之後,第三集終於再度滿足讀者體內的「奇幻癮子」!最終回《巨蛇的闇影》將帶領讀者一同拯救世界末日,同時解開前兩集未解的疑雲。【埃及守護神】系列特色:◎帶領讀者進入神祕玄妙的埃及世界。如果說【波西傑克森】是幫助讀者認識希臘神話的最佳捷徑,那麼無論你是否熟悉埃及的神話故事,【埃及守護神】絕對是幫助你了解埃及古文明與神話信仰的最佳開端。◎不可錯過的合作冒險故事「團結」與「合作」是整系列中一再強調的主題。在任何危機處理的關鍵,作者皆不斷打破一般冒險小說單一英雄主角的歷險模式,將「團隊」與「合作」的重要概念融進故事中。◎世界觀的視野拓展→「地球村」的文明之旅凱恩兄妹藉由古埃及的魔法神力,得以進出各國。整個系列的冒險場域將拓展到世界各地。故事中還以各種古埃及象徵文物做為進出通道,在閱讀故事後,儼然也完成了一場文明巡禮。【本書內容簡介】混沌勢力興起,邪惡巨蛇即將摧毀人類秩序,世界末日進入倒數計時……儘管卡特和莎蒂盡了最大努力,仍無法壓制混沌巨蛇阿波非斯的興風作浪,眼見全世界即將陷入永恆黑暗之中,唯一能做的就是徹底消滅阿波非斯。然而,此時「生命之屋」的魔法師起了內鬨,埃及天神之間又遭分化,布魯克林之家的年輕魔法師生徒們幾乎是孤軍奮戰。面對黑暗勢力,卡特和莎蒂唯一的希望全繫在一道古老咒語,或許能將影子轉化為對付阿波非斯的終極武器。但是這種魔法已經失傳千年,人類世界的命運又岌岌可危,凱恩家族究竟該如何挑戰終極邪惡、完成他們的使命?本中文書介出自《埃及守護神 3: 巨蛇的闇影》遠流出版事業股份有限公司出版In their exciting final adventure, now in paperback, Carter and Sadie Kane are the mortal world's only hope of defeating the forces of chaos. "Fans of the Riordan magic--equal parts danger, myth, and irreverence--will embrace this new series with open arms. "--The Horn Book#1 New York Times best-sellerRick Riordan, a master at making mythology fun and relevant, takes on ancient EgyptTold in two points of view, one male and one femaleCombines witty, relatable heroes, gods and monsters, prophecies and curses, and non-stop actionIdeal for middle grade readers, but older readers will enjoy it, tooSoon to be adapted into a movie for Netflix, with Rick attached as producerHe's b-a-a-ack! Despite their best efforts, Carter and Sadie Kane can't seem to keep Apophis, the chaos snake, down.Now Apophis is threatening to plunge the world into eternal darkness, and the Kanes are faced with the impossible task of having to destroy him once and for all.Unfortunately, the magicians of the House of Life are on the brink of civil war, the gods are divided, and the young initiates of Brooklyn House stand almost alone against the forces of chaos.The Kanes' only hope is an ancient spell that might turn the serpent's own shadow into a weapon, but the magic has been lost for a millennia. To find the answer they need, the Kanes must rely on the murderous ghost of a powerful magician who might be able to lead them to the serpent's shadow . . . or might lead them to their deaths in the depths of the underworld.Nothing less than the mortal world is at stake when the Kane family fulfills its destiny in this thrilling conclusion to the Kane Chronicles."


作者介紹 Rick RiordanRick Riordan, dubbed storyteller of the gods by Publishers Weekly, is the author of five #1 New York Times best-selling middle grade series with millions of copies sold throughout the world: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, and the Trials of Apollo, based on Greek and Roman mythology; the Kane Chronicles, based on Ancient Egyptian mythology; and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, based on Norse mythology. Rick collaborated with illustrator John Rocco on two #1 New York Times best-selling collections of Greek myths for the whole family: Percy Jackson's Greek Gods and Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes. Rick is also the publisher of an imprint at Disney-Hyperion, Rick Riordan Presents, dedicated to finding other authors of highly entertaining fiction based on world cultures and mythologies. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts with his wife and two sons. Follow him on Twitter at @camphalfblood.


書名 / The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow
作者 / Rick Riordan
簡介 / The Kane Chronicles 3: The Serpent's Shadow:Intheirexcitingfinaladventure,nowinpaperback,CarterandSadieKanearethemortalworld'sonlyhopeofdefeatingtheforcesofcha
ISBN13 / 9781368013574
ISBN10 / 1368013570
EAN / 9781368013574
誠品26碼 / 2682014322002
頁數 / 496
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.4X13.3X2.9CM
級別 / N:無
