好看護的第一本速查手冊 | 誠品線上


作者 林秀英/ 何美娜
出版社 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
商品描述 好看護的第一本速查手冊:據行政院最新數據統計顯示,臺灣已正式邁向高齡化社會,如何照料及安排銀髮族的生活起居已成為我們勢必關切的重要議題。近年來,申請外籍看護以全天


內容簡介 據行政院最新數據統計顯示,臺灣已正式邁向高齡化社會,如何照料及安排銀髮族的生活起居已成為我們勢必關切的重要議題。 近年來,申請外籍看護以全天候照料親屬,是目前多數人選擇的照護方式之一。然因申請過程多半倉促,來臺外籍看護身處陌生環境,民俗文化的不同,加上語言隔閡等因素,間接導致照護時發生的障礙與不便。 有鑑於此,為使看護照護更加得心應手,快速適應本國環境,本書特就外籍看護常用語言,將指導看護實作筆記分別翻譯成英文、印尼文及泰文等三種語言呈現,以減少醫護同仁與外籍看護在語言溝通上的困擾,避免護理人員教導時產生困難,加強外籍看護照護的能力,進而提高看護的照護品質。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介林秀英現任:私立仁愛之家附設靜和醫院護理主任學歷:中山醫學大學護理研究所碩士 弘光科技大學護理系學士經歷:光雄醫院內科並防護理長 中山醫學大學附設復健醫院護理長 中山醫學大學附設醫院出院準備服務護理師何美娜現任:中山醫學大學附設復健醫院臨床護理師學歷:弘光科技大學護理系學士經歷:中山醫學大學附設復健醫院出院準備服務護理師


產品目錄 皮膚照護/Skin care 如何給予病患洗頭/Hair washing 口腔清潔與洗臉/Dental and facial care 如何清潔病患的手和腳/Hand and feet care 病患正確的給藥/Give medicine to accurately 如何進行吞嚥訓練及餵食/How to conduct swallowing training and feeding? 如何由鼻胃管灌入食物/How to conduct nasogastric feeding? 如何給予病患正確的換藥/How to change dressings correctly? 如何從病患的氣切造口抽痰/How to suck the phlegm (sputum suction) from the tracheostomy? 如何照顧病患的呼吸道/How to take care of the respiratory tract (airway) of a patient? 矽質氣切管居家清潔消毒方法/Trachea tube cleaning and sterilizing 蒸氣吸入操作/Vapor treatment (Steam inhalation) 如何清潔病患的氣切造口/How to clean his tracheostomy? 拍痰及姿位引流/Spit stroking and postural drainage 如何給予臥床的病患進行關節運動/How to conduct mobilization for bed-ridden patients? 膀胱訓練方式/Bladder training 如何照顧病患的尿管及尿袋/How to care for the patient's catheter and urinary drainage bag? 大便訓練衛教單/Bowel training 癲癇患者發作之處理/How to deal with an epileptic patient? 預防跌倒需知/Notice for preventing falls


書名 / 好看護的第一本速查手冊
作者 / 林秀英 何美娜
簡介 / 好看護的第一本速查手冊:據行政院最新數據統計顯示,臺灣已正式邁向高齡化社會,如何照料及安排銀髮族的生活起居已成為我們勢必關切的重要議題。近年來,申請外籍看護以全天
出版社 / 五南圖書出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789861216423
ISBN10 / 9861216421
EAN / 9789861216423
誠品26碼 / 2680548318003
頁數 / 132
開數 / 32K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無


內文 : CH6 How to conduct swallowing training and feeding?

To eat with your own mouth is the greatest happiness in life.What a wonderful thing it is to taste delicious delicacies! However,people might have to eat food through a nasogastric tube temporarily due to illness. Such a tube can be dispensed along with the improvement in health condition of the patient or be utilized as a channel to digest the food that the patient’s mouth can’t eat. Nevertheless, you are responsible to train the swallowing ability of the patient before he/she can eat food through his/her mouth by himself/herself.

一、When to train him/her to swallow

When the patient gives response to linguistic stimulus and
won’t cough after you dip a cotton swab with water to let him/her
swallow, you may begin training.

二、Things to prepare

1.A towel (to wrap around the body).

2.Food: Jellies, pudding and bean jellies are the best choices at the beginning of swallowing training. General soft or liquid food can be tried later.

3.A food container and a little spoon.

1.A quiet dining atmosphere should be maintained. Concentrate on feeding.

2.Help the patient up at 60-90°. Put a pillow behind the patient’s
head and place a towel under his/her chin. In this way, a comfortable dining posture is achieved.
協助病患起身至60-90 度,以枕頭放頭後,毛巾置於臉頰下,維持舒適的進食姿勢。

3.Let the patient see the food with his/her own eyes to stimulate appetite and excretion of digestive juice.

4.Feed the patient with a small bite each time and repeat your command of swallowing the food two times.


Open your mouth and taste it. Use your tongue to lift thefood to your palate. Draw back your chin and swallow. You may use your hands to assist the patient during the training.(This step is not necessary for patients without swallowing problems.)

5.Feed the patient in a slow pace and get a proper amount of food every time. For patients having a cerebrovascular accident, food should be placed into the mouth on the healthy side.

6.Food ought to be put into the mouth of the patient precisely and another serving can’t be given until you make sure the patient has chewed and swallowed it. Write down patient’s condition while swallowing, the amount and type of food fed and any special situations.

四、Points for attention

1.Stop feeding once the patient starts to cough. Try to feed the patient at least in half an hour. If the patient keeps coughing,feeding should be suspended some time.

2.The patient should sit while being fed and take a rest for 30 minutes before lying down again to prevent food from flowing back.

3.The nasogastric tube or other device needs to be kept during feeding training to supplement water and nutrition.

4.Start to feed the patient with liquid food after soft food has been fed for some time.

CH14 Spit stroking and Postural Drainage

Once the respiratory tract is obstructed by phlegm (sputum),human life could be in danger. Therefore, it’s very important to take care of his respiratory tract to keep it unobstructed. Besides phlegm (sputum)pumping, phlegm stroking and postural drainage are more useful ways to clear up phlegm (sputum) deep in the lung so as to make breathing smoothly.

一、Phlegm stroking

Stroke the chest on the surface to reduce the amount phlegm(sputum) adhering to trachea wall so that phlegm can be easily coughed out to keep the breathing more smoothly.


1.The caretaker draws his fingers close to make the palm like a cup.

2.Relax the shoulders and use the strength of the wrist to stroke the back in rhythms.

三、Postural drainage

Consult the doctor or the family nurse to confirm the phlegmatic area of the lung, then make use of the principle of gravity to make the phlegm flow toward the main bronchial tube or the trachea so that the phlegm can be easily coughed out or aspirated.


1.Prepare a soft pillow or quilt.

2.Raise the nidus. If the nidus is the upper or middle lobe of the lung, turn the body to the left or the right side and give a support, then operate phlegm stroking for 10-15 minutes.
將病灶部位抬高。肺部上葉及中葉,向左或向右側翻並給予支托,可配合拍痰10-15 分鐘。

3.If the nidus is either side of the lower lobe of the lung, place a soft pillow or quilt under the hips, then place a soft pillow under a shoulder to turn the body to the right or left side.


1.The operations mentioned above are not allowed to be made 30 minutes before and one hour after meal.
以上活動不能於餵食前30 分鐘及飯後1 小時內施行。

2.When it’s not proper to pose the patient in special way of lying in case of hypertension or special conditions, it’s proper and effective to turn the patient to the left or right side.

3.Stop the operation immediately when the patient shows uncomfortable
signs such as quick breathing or blushed.