再來咖啡Espresso Blend 經典義式咖啡豆 | 誠品線上

再來咖啡Espresso Blend 經典義式咖啡豆

商品描述 再來咖啡Espresso Blend 經典義式咖啡豆:[再來咖啡]經典EspressoBlend義式咖啡豆*最高品質精選莊園咖啡豆*氮氣填充保鮮,堅持台灣現烘製作*百分之百阿拉比卡咖啡豆,層次


內容簡介 * 產地: 衣索比亞 巴西 哥倫比亞 印尼 瓜地馬拉* 烘焙度: 中度烘焙* 風味: 堅果 黑巧克力 尾韻帶柑橘風味 低酸度* 適合沖煮美式咖啡及拿鐵咖啡中度烘焙,帶有堅果及巧克力的風味,是一支單獨品嚐及加入牛奶製作成拿鐵咖啡都非常適合的咖啡豆"


作者介紹 The inspiration for Once Again Cafe began as a childhood game. Michelle and her cousin would gather flowers and sell them alongside the road. She really enjoyed how she felt after people would buy her flowers. Later, she would spend summer vacations selling lemonade from a stand along the bike path so that she could experience this feeling again.After graduating from college, Michelle established a successful sales career in the banking industry, but she sensed that something was missing. Whenever she had free time, she would set up shop with her friends and sell lemonade, sweet potato balls, or other snack food. Over time, she began to understand that what she really enjoyed was the feeling of connectedness after selling people something that made them happy.During her time working in banking, Michelle met Lucas. After marriage, they visited Paris for their honeymoon. Michelle found much inspiration in the French culture and lifestyle, especially the cafe scene where she observed how customers would engage and connect with one another in this special environment. When she returned home to Taipei, she wondered if she could somehow bring some of that magical cafe culture here.Eventually, Michelle decided to take a break from banking to explore some new interests inspired by her time in Paris. She took classes to learn more about coffee and French-style pastry and dessert. Michelle noticed how the smell of coffee makes people happy. Meanwhile, Lucas was developing a passion for coffee and coffee preparation. He began studying the entire process from bean to cup, including the machinery involved.Michelle and Lucas eventually found their interests and passions aligning to create Once Again Cafe — a relaxed, creative environment where interesting connections can be made. We hope you enjoy your visit, and we look forward to connecting with you once again.


商品名 / 再來咖啡Espresso Blend 經典義式咖啡豆
簡介 / 再來咖啡Espresso Blend 經典義式咖啡豆:[再來咖啡]經典EspressoBlend義式咖啡豆*最高品質精選莊園咖啡豆*氮氣填充保鮮,堅持台灣現烘製作*百分之百阿拉比卡咖啡豆,層次
誠品26碼 / 2682138637006
尺寸 / 6.5X10.5X19.5CM
級別 / N:無
成分 / 100%新鮮烘焙阿拉比卡咖啡豆 衣索比亞 巴西 哥倫比亞 印尼 瓜地馬拉 綜合咖啡豆
重量(g) / 200
提供維修 /
保存期限(天) / 360
效期說明 / 以消費者收受日起算,至少具有效日期90日以上;即期商品的有效日期請參見商品資訊載記的「到期日」為主。
保存條件 / 常溫
產地 / 衣索比亞 巴西 哥倫比亞 印尼 瓜地馬拉
素食標示 / 純素
製造廠商或國內負責廠商名稱 / 再來咖啡股份有限公司
製造廠商或國內負責廠商電話 / 02-29188922
製造廠商或國內負責廠商地址 / 新北市新店區北新路三段65巷14號1樓
食品業者登錄字號 / F-182891873-00000-9
投保產品責任險字號 / 富邦產物保險股份有限公司 0525字第20AML0002198號


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