奧多利瓦松露風味橄欖油 | 誠品線上


商品描述 奧多利瓦松露風味橄欖油:★SGS、IFS、BRC等多項國際認證★精緻冷壓橄欖油添加珍貴夏季黑松露,適合用於沙拉、義大利麵或煎烤肉類料理搭配食用:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意


內容簡介 ★SGS、IFS、BRC等多項國際認證 ★精緻冷壓橄欖油添加珍貴夏季黑松露,適合用於沙拉、義大利麵或煎烤肉類料理搭配食用Navarra位於西班牙北部,坐落在綠色的埃布羅河谷,悠久的橄欖油歷史可以追溯到羅馬時代。自1950年以來,Ondoliva 贏得了當之無愧的聲譽,Ondoliva是西班牙前三大橄欖油出口商,每天所生產之橄欖油由壓榨至裝瓶皆由自家工廠完成,確保所生產之每一瓶橄欖油都是高品質且安全無虞完美搭配小吃、沙拉、肉類、魚、甜點、糕點都適合,多種風味包含檸檬、辣椒、羅勒、松露和大蒜,不要錯過!【關於Ondoliva】Since 1950 Ondoliva has gained a well-deserved reputation, offering an outstanding Olive Oil perfectly described by the local farmers with the use of the word “Ondo” which means “Good”.Back in the day, olives were picked by hand, olive by olive, men and women standing shoulder to shoulder throughout the district in the traditional olive harvest. Once collected, olives were taken to the presses where they were ground in grass baskets creating pressure to obtain the precious oil. The oil was kept in clay jars and later bottled and taken round the houses.70 years later, Urzante remains true to our original values that have helped us to reach this point: Keeping the spirit of tradition and respect for the land and the environment.【我們的莊園】Located in the North of Spain, nestled in the green Ebro River Valley, Navarra has enjoyed a long history of olive oil, dating from the days of the Romans.The “Finca la Estanca” estate is located close to a National Park in a fertile land where a dam was built by the Romans over 2000 years ago. It is still preserved and gives it its name, “Finca La Estanca” or “The Dam Estate”. Here is where the Marin Family founded Urzante in 1950.Today “Finca la Estanca” covers a surface of 1,200 hectares with a production capacity of Extra Virgin Olive Oil attaining 2,240,000 litres. The olive varieties grown, all distinguished by its mild and fruity flavour among other properties, include Koroneiki (Greek), Arbequina (Spanish), Arbosana (Spanish) and Arróniz (Spanish)."


商品名 / 奧多利瓦松露風味橄欖油
簡介 / 奧多利瓦松露風味橄欖油:★SGS、IFS、BRC等多項國際認證★精緻冷壓橄欖油添加珍貴夏季黑松露,適合用於沙拉、義大利麵或煎烤肉類料理搭配食用:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意
誠品26碼 / 2681913764005
尺寸 / 5.5X5.5X21.5CM
級別 / N:無
成分 / 冷壓初榨橄欖油、天然松露香料
容量(ml) / 250
提供維修 /
保存期限(天) / 730
效期說明 / 以消費者收受日起算,至少具有效日期183日以上;即期商品的有效日期請參見商品資訊載記的「到期日」為主。
保存條件 / 常溫
產地 / 西班牙
素食標示 / 純素
製造廠商或國內負責廠商名稱 / 駿伸企業有限公司
製造廠商或國內負責廠商電話 / 02-87525130
製造廠商或國內負責廠商地址 / 台北市內湖區成功路四段68號7樓
食品業者登錄字號 / A-184492129-00000-7
投保產品責任險字號 / 第一產物保險股份有限公司 1000字第12PR000539號


最佳賣點 : Navarra位於西班牙北部,坐落在綠色的埃布羅河谷,悠久的橄欖油歷史可以追溯到羅馬時代。自1950年以來,Ondoliva 贏得了當之無愧的聲譽,Ondoliva是西班牙前三大橄欖油出口商,每天所生產之橄欖油由壓榨至裝瓶皆由自家工廠完成,確保所生產之每一瓶橄欖油都是高品質且安全無虞


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