英國Laurence King Magma 素描剪貼簿 Idea Generation | 誠品線上

英國Laurence King Magma 素描剪貼簿 Idea Generation

商品描述 英國Laurence King Magma 素描剪貼簿 Idea Generation:,|高質感文具!經典素描本系列|品牌具代表性的經典商品,各種場合適用的素描本,以大面積的尺寸設計,加上各種精


內容簡介 |高質感文具!經典素描本系列|品牌具代表性的經典商品,各種場合適用的素描本,以大面積的尺寸設計,加上各種精心製作主題,為每個領域皆能完美使用的隨身記事本。簡約時尚的封面設計,即使長久使用也能歷久彌新,維持一慣的時髦個性!.高品質紙張製作,具厚度的質感,方便繪畫上色不暈染。.各種特色主題包括時尚、建築、素描、靈感等,附有綁帶設計放在包包也不會隨便開合。品牌介紹|Laurence King |於1991年在倫敦成立的出版社,為世界知名的創意書籍、禮品製造商之一,經常與具代表性的插畫家、設計師、藝術家與攝影師合作,創作出精美的書籍和禮品,為生活增添各式美好趣味,商品廣受歐美人士喜愛,為送禮、居家擺設的首選。商品名稱:素描剪貼簿商品尺寸:24 X 18 X 0 cm材質:紙"


作者介紹 Nik Mahon trained as a graphic designer at St Martin's School of Art, then worked as an advertising creative in London and the British West Indies. He became then Creative Director at Rayner Advertising in Southampton and then a senior lecturer at Southampton Solent University, where his interest in creative thinking skills and strategies for generating ideas led to the award of a PhD in 'Fostering Creativity' and his subsequent appointment as head of the University's Creativity & Communication Research Cluster. Nik has authored several published papers and books on the subject of creative thinking and related areas. Alongside his teaching at the university, he also runs 'Ideate', an organisation offering training in creativity and problem solving skills.


商品名 / 英國Laurence King Magma 素描剪貼簿 Idea Generation
簡介 / 英國Laurence King Magma 素描剪貼簿 Idea Generation:,|高質感文具!經典素描本系列|品牌具代表性的經典商品,各種場合適用的素描本,以大面積的尺寸設計,加上各種精
誠品26碼 / 2680868388007
尺寸 / 24X18CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
