WIKING 077826 1:32 KRAMPE Hook LIFT THL 30L Big Body 750鉤拉臂式自卸拖車 | 誠品線上

WIKING 077826 Krampe Tridem THL 30 L hook Lift with Big Body 750

商品描述 WIKING 077826 1:32 KRAMPE Hook LIFT THL 30L Big Body 750鉤拉臂式自卸拖車:微縮世界的魔力就在於無限的想像與創造徜徉在獨特的微縮裡動手建立一個自己的憧憬世界將美好


內容簡介 Wiking 077826 1:32 KRAMPE Hook LIFT THL 30L Big Body 750鉤拉臂式自卸拖車Wiking 077826 Krampe Tridem THL 30 L hook lift with Big Body 750【比例=1:32】Product detailsWhat has long been commonplace in the commercial vehicle sector, Krampe has made acceptable for agriculture. The three-axle hook lift THL 30 L can pull a 30-ton trough - WIKING has implemented the chassis and the variable trough with its high side walls in a prototypical manner, miniaturizing the most powerful combination for the 200 hp tractor class 32 times. The chassis consists of a detailed chassis frame with drawbar, which is made of metal. In this way, consistently attractive teams can be put together with the available WIKING tractors. Especially with this innovative loader wagon, the details fascinate the viewer. The three axles are fitted with crowned tires, which are usually also equipped with a coarse profile. The mudguards appear wonderfully prototypical in authentic checker plate look - of course made of metal. A support leg at the front left ensures stability, while the control boxes, but also oil filters and other add-on parts enhance the precision model in fine detail. At the rear, the bumper receives correspondingly inserted rear lights. The air suspension with air bellows can be seen in just as much detail as the movable hook lift device is reproduced. Anyone who then wants to know why farmers are now procuring large numbers of the Krampe Tridem hook lift will recognize it at the latest when they carry out the functions of the WIKING model. The first and last axle appear to be steered, the support foot is of course designed to be movable. The movement sequences when lifting and rolling the trough appear completely realistic. This is how the precision model builders make the arm on the hook lift telescopic. And even with the apparently so mundane transport trough, WIKING arouses great attention to detail. This trough made of metal with high side walls appears weighty and can be opened at the rear. In addition, the trough stands on wide, movable metal rollers that support the setting down of the open transport container.【安全警告:本模型商品非屬玩具,不適合 14 歲以下的兒童。請在成人監督下使用】本商品推薦給 14 歲以上的模型收藏家。由於比例和精細模型功能設計,商品本身可能有尖銳與細小零部件,請注意確保 14 歲以下的兒童不會接觸到本商品!購買注意事項:具需自行安裝之細小零件 下單前請謹慎評估本賣場所皆為德國原廠製造包裝全新品,商品經國際物流過程可能會有些微擦痕,發貨過程因物流因素造成卡扣零件掉落,網路隨機發貨、無代挑選出貨敬請理解,要求車 盒況完美者請至實體店市選購。請於收到商品後立即核對說明書零件表,並檢查本模型零配件是否有缺件或斷裂。在寄送過程中有可能因物流因素導致零件脫落原版件,請您核對零件表的數量無誤即可。消費者鑑賞期並非試用期,在您尚未完成檢查前,請您切勿剪下、切割、拆解、黏合組裝或損壞本模型零組件。如遇有缺件或斷裂之問題煩請於收到商品7日內與客服連絡處理。客服信箱連絡電話:02 2703 4204"


商品名 / WIKING 077826 1:32 KRAMPE Hook LIFT THL 30L Big Body 750鉤拉臂式自卸拖車
簡介 / WIKING 077826 1:32 KRAMPE Hook LIFT THL 30L Big Body 750鉤拉臂式自卸拖車:微縮世界的魔力就在於無限的想像與創造徜徉在獨特的微縮裡動手建立一個自己的憧憬世界將美好
誠品26碼 / 2682171773006
尺寸 / 32X12.5X13CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 金屬
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 微縮世界的魔力就在於無限的想像與創造
高質感 高規格 高品質
自行組裝 新穎趣味 歡樂無窮