奇藝交響曲 | 誠品線上

Fantastic Art Symphony

出版社 蔣三省音樂工作室
商品描述 奇藝交響曲:◎蔣榮宗《奇藝交響曲》視覺與聽覺藝術的完美結合◎蔣榮宗再度探索藝術《奇藝交響曲》結合音樂與現代繪畫◎蔣榮宗與上海弦樂團合作《奇藝交響曲》獻給藝術大師


內容簡介 ◎蔣榮宗《奇藝交響曲》 視覺與聽覺藝術的完美結合◎蔣榮宗再度探索藝術 《奇藝交響曲》結合音樂與現代繪畫◎蔣榮宗與上海弦樂團合作 《奇藝交響曲》獻給藝術大師李錫奇蔣榮宗的藝術探索這是一場作曲家的自我發現之旅,尋找原創音樂與東西方文化,以及與所有經典藝術結合的可能性。三年前,一次古典藝術的激盪,蔣榮宗創作了《大文藝復興》樂曲,這是發自年輕藝術家內心的悸動,借鑒了中世紀宗教與文藝復興的古音樂元素,將所有映入腦海中的藝術與文化素材,轉化為青春靈感的重現。融合古典管弦樂與現代電子音樂曲風,寫下了前所未有的音樂創作概念,音樂家不僅將音樂與視覺藝術,融合成色焰與音律的盛宴,也牽動了一代藝術大師李錫奇的心。半世紀的音樂緣一位是年過八十、現代藝術的探險家與時代創作大師,一位是方滿二十一、擁有無限創作力的青年作曲家,一甲子的歲月差異,其實早在1967年就有了交集。1960年代,李錫奇以方、圓變奏的抽象繪畫為哲思,開創了「本位」系列,其中1967年,漆畫創作《無題》,在類似幾何圖案的色譜變化中,以典型的華人民間傳統色彩:紅、藍與黑為鋪陳,探尋歐普藝術的中國表達方式。這張獨特的畫作,在音樂家眼中看來,像是融合黑膠唱片造型與CD光碟在光線折射下所展生的視覺音效。於是,兩代藝術家開始有了更深層的溝通與連結,李錫奇在蔣榮宗的《大文藝復興》專輯中看到了年輕時代的自己,他由早期受到西方美術的薰陶,到結合中國傳統的養份,逐漸形成個人獨特藝術的面貌,《大文藝復興》一曲融合古今與創新的精神,著實令一代大師動容。藝術精神是一種互相感染、彼此激活的力量,李錫奇漆畫作中漆黑厚重的皺褶、光亮的重彩紋理,交替融合的現代結構與原始圖騰,則彷彿重力音樂,為音樂家啟發創作的音色,藝術的渲染力令他們成為忘年之交。藝術家生命中獨特的存在現代藝術的精神是讓藝術家創新,開創前人與他人未曾表現的創作,去發現存在於藝術家個體生命中的潛在特質。李錫奇以汲取當代生活做為創作養分,並堅持始終如一的現代與本位藝術理念,成就其獨樹一格的創作樣貌。在探索前衛藝術與歷史文化的驅使下,蔣榮宗讓聲音與視覺回歸至最懾人的交響樂創作,以「奇藝交響曲」向藝術大師李錫奇致敬,以最真摯的情感與生命力為《大文藝復興》重新編曲,並邀請上海弦樂團演出,來頌揚李錫奇無數的傑作。Album ContentZONG Chiang’s Artistic VoyageThis piece represents the journey of a composer’s self-discovery, wherein one sought the perfect synthesis between one’s own compositions, the cultures of the East and the West, and all paradigms of the classics. Three years prior, intensely moved by the classical arts, ZONG penned The Great Renaissance. As the crystallization of a young artist’s reveries, The Great Renaissance takes inspiration from Medieval and Renaissance musical elements, which are further combined with ZONG’s own understanding of contemporary art and culture – all for the sake of perfectly capturing a moment of youthful inspiration. Fusing classical string instruments with contemporary electronic music, ZONG decidedly broke into new creative territory with The Great Renaissance. With this piece, not only did ZONG combine the visual arts and music into a lively banquet of color and melodies, but he also pierced the heart of a modern Maestro, that of Lee Shi-Chi.Two Fates, Linked by MusicOn the one hand, we have a towering Maestro, a trailblazer of modern art who has entered the eighth decade of his life; on the other hand, we have a young composer barely into his twentieth year, who brims with boundless passion and skill for the art of composition. Although a gulf of sixty years stand between them, a link began to form as early as 1967. In the 1960s, Lee Shi-Chi inaugurated his “Orientation” series of abstract paintings, a collection inspired by the variegated permutations of rectangular and spherical shapes. Particularly noteworthy is the 1967 painting Untitled: it explores how colors of Chinese folk tradition (red, blue, and black) could be expressed through Op Art forms, in the geometrical shape of a color-wheel. In the eyes of our young composer, Untitled perfectly encapsulates a soundscape of visuality created by overlaying the reflections of light on a CD surface over the foundations of a black vinyl record.And thus two artists, from different generations, began to connect and communicate in more intimate and profound ways. ZONG’s The Great Renaissance deeply touched Lee Shi-Chi, as he saw his younger self in the melodies: the spirit in which The Great Renaissance combined the ancients and the moderns reminded Lee of his own odyssey, from his early training in the Western arts, to his employment of traditional Chinese elements, and to the gradual maturation of his artistic style. Here, we can observe how the force of art consists of mutual affection and reciprocal stimulation – the dark and heavy creases, as well as the patterns of bright Chinese colors in Lee Shi-Chi’s painting juxtaposes and coagulates modern structures with primordial totemisms. And like a visual recording of gravity itself, Lee’s painting inspired the young composer’s timbres, bringing the two into a time-transcending friendship via art’s affective powers. A Unique Moment in the Lives of Two ArtistsWhat is the spirit of modern art, but the generosity that gives an artist the opportunity to break new ground, to create yet-unseen things, and to discover and let blossom the unique potential in their individual lives? And modern art rewards those with unwavering ideals: finding inspiration from the ins-and-outs of contemporary life, Lee Shi-Chi’s methodological insistence towards one’s Foundations and his attention to the Modern culminated into numerous idiosyncratic and visionary creations. Driven by an urge to explore avant-garde art and a sense of obligation towards history and culture, ZONG Chiang pays tribute to Lee Shi-Chi’s oeuvre with Fantastic Art Symphony, a stunning symphonic feast of tonality and visuality: a heartfelt and vital rearrangement of The Great Renaissance, ZONG invited the Shanghai String Orchestra to perform Fantastic Art Symphony alongside with him, all in order to celebrate the ingenious works of art gifted to the world by the Maestro, Lee Shi-Chi.曲目解析:1. 大文藝復興~奇藝交響曲 The Great Renaissance(symphony Ver.)《大文藝復興 ~ 奇藝交響曲》是以李錫奇最喜愛的蔣榮宗《大文藝復興》作品原曲所改編。奇藝交響曲版本融合了更豐富而昇華的弦樂變化,以及Synth Pluck電子音效,來展現藝術大師戲劇化的生命歷程,以及其作品中充滿快意、絢爛、奔騰等等元素,鮮明而多變的的視覺感官。前奏由戰鬥般的節奏感開場,傳達藝術家獨特的自由思維,以及為藝術思想奮戰的可貴;曲末則以進擊的鼓聲與弦樂撥奏,象徵真正的藝術是持續不斷的進化,彷彿藝術大師李錫奇生命的史詩,一個藝術時代的創造者,其人與其創作仍為進行式。作曲:蔣榮宗 編曲:蔣榮宗錄音:蔣三省音樂工作室 母帶後期處理工程師:楊大緯 混音工程師:蔣榮宗母帶後期處理錄音室:楊大緯錄音工作室 OP: JMS MUSIC STUDIO SP: Universal Ms Publ. Ltd. Taiwan ISRC: TW-P01-17-004-061. The Great Renaissance (Symphony Ver.) – Fantastic Art SymphonyThe Great Renaissance (Symphony Ver.) – Fantastic Art Symphony is a rearrangement of Lee Shi-Chi’s favorite piece of ZONG’s music, The Great Renaissance. In order to represent the Maestro’s artistic journey, Fantastic Art Symphony includes richer and more refined variations of the strings, which is further combined with Synth Pluck electronic effects. The piece places a heavy emphasis on the sensations of lightness, grandeur, and swift galloping, sonic elements that enliven the listener’s visual faculties. The grand rhythms of a decisive skirmish dominate the introduction, expressing the boundless freedom that the artist inhabits, as well as the combative urgency of defending one’s artistic beliefs. Fantastic Art Symphony, an epic poem dedicated to the life of the Maestro, Lee Shi-Chi, ends with a barrage of drums and the pizzicato of string instruments, symbolizing that true art will never cease to evolve: as the vanguard of an artistic epoch, one’s self and one’s creations are constantly in the flux of becoming.Composer: Zong Chiang Arranger: Zong ChiangMixing Engineer: Zong Chiang Post-production Engineer: Dave Yang Post-production Studio: Dave Yang Recording Studio OP: JMS MUSIC STUDIO SP: Universal Ms Publ. Ltd. Taiwan ISRC: TW-P01-17-004-062. 大文藝復興 The Great Renaissance《大文藝復興》原曲收錄於蔣榮宗《榮耀時刻II》原創配樂首部曲專輯中。創作靈感來自歐洲文藝復興初期,曲風融合了古典管弦樂與現代電子樂的鮮明印象,樂曲廻盪著神祕、探索,甚至詭譎的氛圍。這是作曲家首次受到古典藝術的感召,發自內心的悸動,也引爆了蔣榮宗日後一連串將音樂與純藝術融合的創作契機。作曲:蔣榮宗 編曲:蔣榮宗錄音:蔣三省音樂工作室 母帶後期處理工程師:楊大緯 混音工程師:蔣榮宗母帶後期處理錄音室:楊大緯錄音工作室 OP: JMS MUSIC STUDIO SP: Universal Ms Publ. Ltd. Taiwan ISRC: TW-P01-14-004-012. The Great RenaissanceThe Great Renaissance was originally included in ZONG’s Moment of Glory II: The First Original Score. Inspired by the music of the early Renaissance period, the piece combines classical string instruments and modern electronic music in a fresh and exciting manner. Carving out a soundscape of searching mysteriousness and even a tingling sense of unease, The Great Renaissance is a milestone for ZONG, for it stands as a testament to his first true encounter with classical art. In the beginning, it was just a stir in his bosom, but what resulted from this was a series of experimentations from ZONG that sought to marry the transcendental beauty of music and art.Composer: Zong Chiang Arranger: Zong ChiangMixing Engineer: Zong Chiang Post-production Engineer: Dave Yang Post-production Studio: Dave Yang Recording Studio OP: JMS MUSIC STUDIO SP: Universal Ms Publ. Ltd. Taiwan ISRC:TW-P01-14-004-01"


作者介紹 蔣榮宗簡介暱稱:ZONG英文名:STAN生日:11月29日(射手座)音樂領域:原創音樂<多媒體配樂、戲劇配樂、廣告配樂、流行音樂、跨界音樂>蔣榮宗,華人音樂界多年來難得一見的全方位作曲家,被喻為亞洲原創音樂界最閃亮的明日之星。他擁有厚實的古典音樂基礎,以及爆發力十足、風格鮮明的個人作曲風格。他年輕而有活力的個性,也能輕鬆掌握時代思潮,譜出美妙的流行樂章。 2014年他曾獲得上海市長和上海教育委員之邀,參與上海市舉行的中國《第十二屆全國學生運動會》開幕式表演。知名的上海交響樂團不僅預先錄製蔣榮宗個人的作品《榮耀時刻》等曲,蔣榮宗更於開幕式第一場表演中擔任現場鋼琴領奏,與34位由中國各省選出的精英,共同演出由他親自作曲、編曲的作品。蔣榮宗出色生動的演出,登上了當天的央視新聞。 蔣榮宗的音樂事業在廣告配樂領域與原創配樂領域均已全面發展。他曾與亞洲知名時尚彩妝師張景凱的自創品牌KAI DELUXE數度合作,並曾參與多部電視與廣播金鐘獎入圍節目的配樂。2016年,他首次參與華人3D紀錄片電影首席導演曲全立所執導演的《璀璨薪火》電影配樂,該片一舉拿下第八屆《韓國國際電影節》最佳3D影片大獎,以及中國先進影像作品奬3D最佳作品首獎。該片配樂收錄於蔣榮宗2016年個人專輯——《藝之旅》,這是作曲家蔣榮宗向曲全立導演看齊,向百工精神致敬的絕佳創作。 在藝術探索的理念趨使下,未來,蔣榮宗將跨越東西方文化,尋找原創音樂與所有經典及藝術結合的可能性,與不同領域的藝術創作者共享創意,並朝向全方位多媒體音樂發表,就讓我們拭目以待! About ZONGZONG Chiang is a multi-talented composer, a rarity in the contemporary music scene of the Chinese-speaking world, known to many as a rising star of Asia. ZONG’s firm classical music background complements his high-energy, easily recognizable style present in both his compositions and performances. His youthful curiosity enables ZONG to grasp, decode, and enjoy musical trends with ease and grace, helping him weave the delicate and popular melodies that have captivated the ears and hearts of many. In 2014, ZONG was invited by Shanghai’s Mayor and Minister of Education to perform in the 12th National Student Sports Meet Opening Ceremony. ZONG’s compositions were not only recorded in advance by the city’s most renowned orchestra, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, ZONG also performed as its leading pianist during the ceremony, alongside 34 other talented pianists selected from all over China. Additionally, ZONG’s lively performance was broadcasted on China Central Television(CCTV), reaching a broad audience.ZONG’s work has emerged as a force to be reckoned with in both the realm of advertising score, as well as the vaunted market of original compositions. ZONG cooperated several times with Zhang Jing-Kai, a famous make-up artist in Asia, composing original music for Zhang’s brand KAI DELUXE. Additionally, ZONG has also contributed music to numerous Golden Bell Award-nominated television and radio productions. In 2016, ZONG made his film score debut: invited by the 3D documentary film director Charlie Chu, ZONG provided a soundtrack to Chu’s film, Bright Torch 3D. The film was a runaway hit, receiving the award of Best 3D Picture at the 8th 3D Korea International Film Festival, 3Dkiff Feature Film, as well as winning Best 3D Picture at the AIS China Awards. The soundtrack is included in ZONG’s 2016 album, The Power of Civilization. The long-play album represents ZONG’s loving tribute to director Chu’s perseverance, dedication, and the ways in which Chu embodies the spirit of a true artisan.Propelled by a hunger to explore the possibilities of aesthetic endeavors, ZONG aspires to become a cross-cultural composer, to find the perfect balance between original music, the classics, and the visual arts. To this end, ZONG continues to release music over all mediums and formats, in anticipation towards sharing ideas and collaborating with talented and passionate artists from all over the world. A renaissance of magnificence waits ahead, for ZONG and for us – his captive audience.製作群名單 Production Group原創音樂 Music Composer:Zong Chiang 蔣榮宗音樂監製 Music Supervisor:Micci Yu 游美齡聯合監製 Joint Producer:San-sheng Chiang蔣三省編曲. 配器 Arranger, Orchestrator:Zong Chiang 蔣榮宗製譜 Music Score Programmer:Zong Chiang 蔣榮宗


書名 / 奇藝交響曲
簡介 / 奇藝交響曲:◎蔣榮宗《奇藝交響曲》視覺與聽覺藝術的完美結合◎蔣榮宗再度探索藝術《奇藝交響曲》結合音樂與現代繪畫◎蔣榮宗與上海弦樂團合作《奇藝交響曲》獻給藝術大師
出版社 / 蔣三省音樂工作室
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 2918050180
EAN / 4712918050188
誠品26碼 / 2681453101001
語言 / 99:無
級別 / N:無
