廢城記 | 誠品線上

Wandering Village

商品描述 廢城記:北京鳥巢以北的東小口,三萬河南人遷徙至此,他們回收這個城市的廢品以獲取財富,並在城鄉之間尋找安身之處。2002年,河南人老徐從東小口村委會租下近百畝的荒地,


內容簡介 北京鳥巢以北的東小口,三萬河南人遷徙至此,他們回收這個城市的廢品以獲取財富,並在城鄉之間尋找安身之處。2002年,河南人老徐從東小口村委會租下近百畝的荒地,推掉一人多高的野草,修房鋪路,老鄉們拖家帶口陸續到來,他們在這裡回收北京的廢鐵、廢木材、塑膠瓶等,從蹬三輪車到開BMW、住別墅,十年間規模漸大,形成了一個超過三萬人的河南村「廢城」,成為北京最大的廢品回收基地。2003年,老劉的飯館倒閉了,他揣著三千塊人民幣,帶著家人從河南光山來到北京,收售廢舊木頭,在廢城的廢品堆旁邊一住便是十年。十二歲的汪琴、汪云姐妹在「廢城」出生長大,在這裡上學、玩耍。2015年,廢城即將拆遷建新城,她們也將被父母帶回河南老家。家庭、家族、村莊,離開土地集體遷徙,匯聚漂浮在北京。影片以散文式的結構記錄了現代化進程中,城與鄉之間的一種生活現狀,體現農村的人們離開土地,在城市與鄉村之間的流離與棲守。North of the National Stadium, the Bird’s Nest, in Beijing is Dong Xiao Kou, a place where 30 thousand Henan residents migrated. They earn a living by scavenging for worn-out recyclables, trying to find a shelter in this city.In 2002, Lao Xu from Henan rented a wasteland of a hundred acres in Dong Xiao Kou, removed the weeds, paved the roads, built houses, and began to bring along his family and fellow townsmen. In 2003, Lao Liu’s restaurant closed down. Carrying 3000 RMN, he took his family from Guangshan, Henan to live in Beijing, collecting and selling worn-out wood. For a decade, they’ve lived there in this so-called “waste city,” which is also known as the largest waste disposal and recycling station in Beijing.12-year-old Wang Qin and her sister, Wang Yun, also grew up in this dilapidated part of the city where they call home, despite the fact that it will soon be demolished and redeveloped, and that they will be forced to move back to their estranged hometown in Henan. The film records in prose style how families, clans, and villagers move collectively and relocate in Beijing, searching for a livable place and coping with the sense of marginalization and instability in the process of nationwide modernization.影音規格:片長:61分鐘螢幕比:16:9區域:台灣、東南亞、東亞(包括香港及韓國等)類別:紀錄片音效:Dolby Digital 2.0 杜比數位二聲道音效字幕選單:繁體中文、簡體中文、英文語言選單:國語


作者介紹 導演:曾茜導演,製片人,1983年生,湖南人。2006年畢業於中國傳媒大學,北京師範大學碩士。曾任陽光衛視製片人、編導,開創和製作思想文化訪談《子夜》500餘期,採訪兩岸三地學者文人逾百人。曾任騰訊網文化頻道編導、策劃。偶有撰稿隨筆散見報刊雜誌。Zeng Xi, born in Henan Province, China in 1983. Graduated from Communication University of China in 2006, and received a master degree from Beijing Normal University. A former producer and screenwriter at Sun TV, Zeng has produced a program Midnight, which has over 500 episodes introducing profound cultural insights and interviewing over 100 literati from China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Furthermore, Zeng was also a former screenwriter and programmer for the online culture channel for Tencent. Occasionally, Zeng writes and publishes her works in newspapers and magazines.


商品名 / 廢城記
簡介 / 廢城記:北京鳥巢以北的東小口,三萬河南人遷徙至此,他們回收這個城市的廢品以獲取財富,並在城鄉之間尋找安身之處。2002年,河南人老徐從東小口村委會租下近百畝的荒地,
誠品26碼 / 2681545353004
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / G:普遍級
