Mnemosyne (2CD) | 誠品線上

Mnemosyne (2CD)

作者 楊.葛柏瑞克/ 希利亞合唱團
出版社 極光音樂有限公司
商品描述 Mnemosyne (2CD):Fiveyearsaftertherecordingof"Officium",theHilliardEnsembleandJanGarbarekreturnedtothemonasteryofStGeroldtorenew,inthewordsofsingerJohnPotter,th


內容簡介 Five years after the recording of "Officium", the Hilliard Ensemble and Jan Garbarek returned to the monastery of St Gerold to renew, in the words of singer John Potter, their "encounter with the unknown." The resultant, very beautiful, double-album, "Mnemosyne", is wider in scope than its predecessor, and the improvised component of the music is expanded. Repertoire now spans 22 centuries, from the "Delphic Paean" of Athenaeus to the "Estonian Lullaby" of Veljo Tormis, via folk song fragments from North and South America and Spain, freely developed, as well as pieces by Tallis, Dufay, Brumel, Hildegard von Bingen, Jan Garbarek, a Russian psalm, a Scottish ballad of the 16th century, and much more. "We did it for each other in the absence of an audience, and these are complete one-off performances which will never sound the same again.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Jan GarbarekThe Hilliard EnsembleDavid James:Rogers Covey-CrumpJohn PotterGordon Jones


書名 / Mnemosyne (2CD)
作者 / 楊.葛柏瑞克 希利亞合唱團
簡介 / Mnemosyne (2CD):Fiveyearsaftertherecordingof"Officium",theHilliardEnsembleandJanGarbarekreturnedtothemonasteryofStGeroldtorenew,inthewordsofsingerJohnPotter,th
出版社 / 極光音樂有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 / 8946512229
EAN / 0028946512227
誠品26碼 / 2680080210001
語言 / 28:北歐語言
級別 / N:無
