Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders | 誠品線上

Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders

作者 Various
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders:敞開心,超越疆界哪裡有改變,哪裡就有希望移民明信片展2017年,兩位Worcester大學的插畫老師,向他們的外國插畫友人,提出一項計


內容簡介 敞開心,超越疆界哪裡有改變,哪裡就有希望 移民明信片展2017年,兩位Worcester大學的插畫老師,向他們的外國插畫友人,提出一項計畫---請朋友寄出以移民為主題的明信片至Worcester大學,回響熱烈。參與的插畫家有凱特格林威得獎畫家─克里斯‧里德爾Chris Riddell、《這不是我的帽子》 雍.卡拉森 Jon Klassen…等,來自世界各地32個國家,超過50張明信片。這些移民明信片在南韓展出,後巡迴各地,其中包含在英國倫敦國際特赦組織。移民明信片也在 2019年5月集結成書出版,由澳洲華人移民插畫家陳志勇撰寫導言,版稅捐作公益使用。畫家多以鳥為插畫題材,象徵飛越邊界,迎向改變。As the world refugee crisis intensified, back in 2017 two teachers of Illustration at Worcester University had the idea of contacting illustrator friends around the world, asking them to draw and send an original postcard on the theme of Migration, to form an installation at the Biennale of Illustration at Bratislava, Slovakia. The response astonished them, with hundreds of cards and personal messages, forming a visually stunning show. The installation has since been mounted in South Korea and will be displayed at further places around the world, including Amnesty International's London offices in the summer of 2019. Over fifty of the postcards, mailed from 32 countries, are reproduced in actual size in this very special book, to be published on 9 May 2019. All the works have been donated and the book's royalties will be shared between Amnesty International and IBBY (International Board on Books for Youth). Leading children's book illustrators from the UK, including Christopher Corr, Neal Layton, Jackie Morris, Jane Ray and Chris Riddell, have contributed cards, along with illustrators from Argentina to Russia, South Africa to Iran. Australian illustrator Shaun Tan has written the Introduction. Janetta Otter-Barry, publisher of Otter-Barry Books, says: "It's an honour to be chosen as publishers of this book. The fragility of a mailed postcard and of a migrating bird come together so aptly to capture the theme of human migration. It is quite literally formed of images and messages of hope, and I think that people will cherish it for that reason as well as for its brilliant variety and heartfelt approach."


作者介紹 Various


書名 / Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders
作者 / Various
簡介 / Migrations: Open Hearts, Open Borders:敞開心,超越疆界哪裡有改變,哪裡就有希望移民明信片展2017年,兩位Worcester大學的插畫老師,向他們的外國插畫友人,提出一項計
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781910959800
ISBN10 / 1910959804
EAN / 9781910959800
誠品26碼 / 2681834126005
頁數 / 112
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.2X14.2X1.6CM
級別 / N:無