What's Below? | 誠品線上

地下的世界: 那裡有什麼?

作者 克里夫.基爾孚
商品描述 What's Below?:看不見的地底下,有什麼寶藏呢?把視線往下移動,你看見了嗎?那裡有什麼?《地下的世界:那裡有什麼?》以樹冠層下方、雪地的下方、考古學家挖掘地的下方


內容簡介 看不見的地底下, 有什麼寶藏呢?把視線往下移動, 你看見了嗎?那裡有什麼? 《地下的世界:那裡有什麼?》以樹冠層下方、雪地的下方、考古學家挖掘地的下方……等場景,讓我們化身自然學家、觀察家、考古學家、歷史學家等角色,一一將一個水平面以下的世界用剖面式的揭露出來。 小讀者不難從畫面上瞥見每一個地底下的秘密,也能透過文字描述,一步步的觀察立體畫面中豐富的向度與深度內容。 What's below . . . the canopy of trees? The surface of the ocean? Your feet as they cross a city street?Embark on a journey of discovery through lush rainforest, mysterious underwater kingdoms and a secret world beneath the streets in this gorgeous and captivating pop-up book. Compelling facts are told by the expert author and contributor to Encyclopedia Britannica, Clive Gifford, winner of the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize.With stunning and sumptuous illustrations and innovative paper engineering, What's Below? is the perfect gift book for anyone who loved Under the Ocean from Tate - children and adults alike.Clive Gifford is an award-winning author of books for children and adults including the astonishing Dead or Alive, the creepy Book of Bad Things and the brain mangling Think Again and Eye Benders. He is passionate that books should entertain, inform and amaze whenever possible. A contributor to Encyclopedia Britannica, Clive's books have won School Library Association, PBS, Smithsonian and Times Educational Supplement, as well as the prestigious Royal Society Young People's Book Prize. Kate McLelland grew up in the North East of England before moving to London to gain a BA Hons in Theatre Design. After completing her degree in London she moved to Edinburgh, where she recently gained an MFA in Illustration with Distinction at Edinburgh College of Art. She received highly commended in the MacMillan Prize and in recent years was nominated for a D&AD Illustration award and a Penguin Design Award.


書名 / What's Below?
作者 / 克里夫.基爾孚
簡介 / What's Below?:看不見的地底下,有什麼寶藏呢?把視線往下移動,你看見了嗎?那裡有什麼?《地下的世界:那裡有什麼?》以樹冠層下方、雪地的下方、考古學家挖掘地的下方
ISBN13 / 9781405283298
ISBN10 / 1405283297
EAN / 9781405283298
誠品26碼 / 2681628784008
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 16X2.3X30.2CM
級別 / N:無
