A Year in the Wild | 誠品線上

A Year in the Wild

作者 Ruth Symons
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 A Year in the Wild:大自然的一年押花創作書春天微風吹,吹來一片粉色花瓣,像雪一樣,輕輕停駐,引來蝴蝶飛舞採蜜;夏天,蟋蟀、獨角仙嘶鳴;冷冽的冬天,冬青樹和常春藤


內容簡介 大自然的一年 押花創作書春天微風吹,吹來一片粉色花瓣,像雪一樣,輕輕停駐,引來蝴蝶飛舞採蜜;夏天,蟋蟀、獨角仙嘶鳴;冷冽的冬天,冬青樹和常春藤仍然綠意盎然,和紅紅的小莓果攜手合作,為冬天增添色彩,這時也正是青蛙、小刺蝟睡大覺的好時機。這本在大自然的一年,藝術家用壓花的方式,一針一鑷地將花草鋪排成一幅圖,知更的翅膀由小小的蕨葉組成,胸前的一抹紅,是紅葉和花瓣合作的成果。這本書創作媒材取自大自然,用自然的產物重新詮釋大自然四季的奧妙。Take a journey through the seasons in this beautiful book, made entirely from hand-pressed plants.Artist Helen Ahpornsiri transforms petals, leaves and seeds into bounding hares, swooping swallows and fluttering butterflies. Turn the page to watch flowers unfold, see birds take flight or peek inside animal homes. Marvel at the magic of each moment and rediscover the wonders of a year in the wild . ."


作者介紹 About the AuthorHelen Ahpornsiri creates intricate collages using real flora and foliage. Each illustration is made up of hundreds of leaves and flowers which are foraged or grown, then preserved with traditional flower pressing methods. The plants are organised by species or colour before being cut and delicately arranged to form birds, insects and other creatures; all filled with tiny patterns and tangles of plant life. Helen lives in Eastbourne, Sussex, in the UK.


書名 / A Year in the Wild
作者 / Ruth Symons
簡介 / A Year in the Wild:大自然的一年押花創作書春天微風吹,吹來一片粉色花瓣,像雪一樣,輕輕停駐,引來蝴蝶飛舞採蜜;夏天,蟋蟀、獨角仙嘶鳴;冷冽的冬天,冬青樹和常春藤
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781783707966
ISBN10 / 1783707968
EAN / 9781783707966
誠品26碼 / 2681543563009
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.6X18.9CM
級別 / N:無
