Paganini: Sonatinas & Capricci (HQCD) | 誠品線上

琴迷帕格尼尼 (HQCD)

作者 西格蒙第
出版社 群英文化有限公司
商品描述 Paganini: Sonatinas & Capricci (HQCD):上揚愛樂全新系列Obsession銳意將一些已經或瀕臨絕版的好聲音以實體唱片形式得以延續。系列首輯《琴迷帕格尼尼》源自已故匈牙利小


內容簡介 「Obsession 執念」一詞,或可解讀成: 對某事或物的鍾愛,且長久藏於内心深處的強烈慾念,這個念想亦不因外力而妥協或放棄 ; 本系列正因此而命名,期許那些已經或瀕臨絕版窘境的好聲音得以延續,以饗一班支持實體唱片的樂友。 系列首輯《琴迷帕格尼尼》源自於已故匈牙利小提琴名家,作曲家巴爾托克摯友: 西格蒙蒂 (Denes Zsigmondy)絕版銘盤。其獨樹一格的發聲與舉重若輕的高超琴藝,佐以Stradivarius 銘琴 (Ernst, 1709) , 精彩呈現了12首帕格尼尼名作的曼妙音姿,。另藉由HQCD的優化,也令原已臻近完美的優異錄音表現更上一層。這是一張可以為習琴人帶來啟發和感悟的專輯,同時也滿足一眾音樂愛好者,音響發燒友的殷切期待。 「這張CD當初我也是選中當作耳機特性測試參考碟,知道的人不多,能夠重製發行,那是廣大愛樂人的福氣!」~台灣交響樂團小提琴副首席 吳昭良 「如果音響系统調校到位,你會發現這張專輯的小提琴質感竟然如此細腻美妙,變化多端的揉音演奏尤其迷人,充分展現帕格尼尼「魔鬼顫音」的媚惑魔力。」~台灣《音響論壇》主筆 陶忠豪 「如果全年只可以買一張小提琴 CD,我會揀 Zsigmondy 拉 Paganini。」~香港《HiFi音響》音樂版總編 劉志剛 「HQCD製作,實現最真摯而具質感的重播效果。1976年維也納模擬錄音,把演奏時所有細節和變化全部收錄。」~ 香港《音响技術》主筆George


作者介紹 Denes Zsigmondy 西格蒙第Denes Zsigmondy (1922 – 2014) studied at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest, receiving tuition from Geza de Kresz, Leo Weiner and Imre Waldbauer. His musical education as a violinist was further influenced by working with Carl Flesch and Zino Francescatti. Personal contact with Bela Bartok inspired his great interest in Bartok’s musical vision and exploration of Eastern European folk music. Denes Zsigmondy has given performances throughout the world, as a soloist with orchestras, such as the Bamberger, Berlin and Vienna Symphony Orchestras, the Boston, Budapest, Hong Kong, Munich and Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestras, the Radio Orchestras of RIAS Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Sydney and others and also as a recitalist. He has made a large number of records and radio recordings. There are now available as compact discs, furthermore, he has played the first performances of violin concertos by Bialas, Genzmer, Eder, Büchtger and other composers. His life as a musician was greatly enhanced by personal contact with Kodály, Sessions, Dallapiccola, Ligeti and Kurtág.In 1972 he was appointed Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA and Guest Professor at Boston University. He has given masterclasses at the New England Conservatory, Boston, the Liszt Academy, Budapest, in San Francisco, Hong Kong, etc. He has been the Director of the Holzhauser Music Festival at Starnberger See in Bavaria since 1977. He has conducted violin courses at the Summer Academy in Salzburg (since 1986), as well as classes in Italy, Hungary, England, Switzerland, Germany, Poland (The European Mozart Academy) and the USA. In 1995 he received an appointment at the University of Mainz to conduct solo violin classes.Anneliese NissenAnneliese Nissen (1947 – 2014) studied piano and singing at the Music Academy in Munich. Masterclasses with Walter Lampe, student of Clara Schumann, and also studies with Maria Ivogün. She abandoned her soloist career in both branches, and became the permanent partner of Denes Zsigmondy. Anneliese Nissen thought, that singing is the essential basis of all musical practice and therefore, the singing studies have been very essential for her career. She gave also chamber music courses in the United States.


書名 / Paganini: Sonatinas & Capricci (HQCD)
作者 / 西格蒙第
簡介 / Paganini: Sonatinas & Capricci (HQCD):上揚愛樂全新系列Obsession銳意將一些已經或瀕臨絕版的好聲音以實體唱片形式得以延續。系列首輯《琴迷帕格尼尼》源自已故匈牙利小
出版社 / 群英文化有限公司
ISBN13 /
ISBN10 /
EAN / 0489202010015
誠品26碼 / 2681944284008
語言 / 99:無
尺寸 / 12.5X14X1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 典藏系列Obsession 執念 系列首張專輯 - 《琴迷帕格尼尼》
日本Memory-Tech株式會社高規格製版HQCD 限量發行
原始母盤音檔轉制 (1976年維也納模擬analog錄音) 保留已臻完美原聲態
Stradivarius銘琴 (‘Ernst’, 1709) 通透曼妙音色呈現
