The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (+MP3) | 誠品線上


作者 Mark Twain
出版社 書林出版有限公司
商品描述 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (+MP3):HelblingReadersRedSeries書系簡介系列分為:  ●HelblingClassics(經典文學)  ●HelblingFiction(當代原創)全系列適合程度


內容簡介 全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(Cambridge) KET/全民英檢(GEPT) 初級/歐洲共同語言能力(CEF) A1~A2/倫敦聖三一學院(Trinity) 1~ 4 級此系列書共分3個級數,分別是Level 1 - 400字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1、Trinity1,2級Level 2 - 600字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1 A2、Trinity 2,3級Level 3 - 1000字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A2、Trinity3,4級◎About this Book單元:分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。◎Before Reading After Reading:閱讀前/後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。◎精選深受青少年喜愛的經典名著,或專為青少年所寫的有趣故事。◎依據CEF分級閱讀,讓英文學習精準到位。◎附有MP3光碟,同時訓練閱讀與聽力技巧,還有聽力練習活動。◎配合本書學習,提供免費的教學資源,包括練習單、解答及聽力練習原稿。 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Level 3 Helbling Classics Recording in American English《湯姆歷險記》幽默大師馬克吐溫最讓人喜愛的故事。湯姆和他的朋友哈克和喬,三個好朋友在密西西比河畔班克鎮的成長故事。他們異想天開的離開小鎮跑去當海盜,結果在眾人以為三個孩子失足落水而傷心的舉辦葬禮時,三個孩子在遭遇目睹謀殺,掘寶藏後,終於歷劫歸來。快來加入他們充滿冒險和困難經歷的有趣成長過程吧。Helbling Readers Red Series is aimed at young teenagers. It includes a selection of adapted classics and original fiction to get your students reading for pleasure right from beginner level.Helbling ClassicsA series of well-known classic stories by world-famous authors that have been chosen, and adapted, to appeal to young teenagers.Careful selection of stories with suitable content and language level has allowed the flavour of the originals to remain.Reflection boxes throughout the stories help understanding, and draw links with the students' own lives. While detailed Before and After Reading activities help and check understanding.A clear introduction gives information about the author and the story.Book DescriptionThe best-loved story of Tom Sawyer and his friends Huck Finn and Joe Harper as they grow up along the banks of the Mississippi.river. They run away to be pirates and come back in time for their own funerals, they witness a murder and they find treasure. Join them for fun and adventure and some difficult lessons in growing up.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介馬克吐溫美國偉大的作家,一代幽默諷刺大師。他出身於美國西部拓荒者家庭,沒上過幾年學,當過印刷所的學徒,密西西比河上的水手、領航員,記者,採礦工和出版商,歷盡坎坷,飽經滄桑。


產品目錄 About this Book For the Student For the Teacher Level 3: StructuresAbout the AuthorThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer Before Reading The Adventures of Tom SawyerAfter Reading


書名 / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (+MP3)
作者 / Mark Twain
簡介 / The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (+MP3):HelblingReadersRedSeries書系簡介系列分為:  ●HelblingClassics(經典文學)  ●HelblingFiction(當代原創)全系列適合程度
出版社 / 書林出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9783852725390
ISBN10 / 3852725399
EAN / 9783852725390
誠品26碼 / 2680781475006
頁數 / 98
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X15CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /
