Inside the Villains | 誠品線上

Inside the Villains

作者 Clotilde Perrin
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Inside the Villains:惡棍秘密檔案  互動遊戲書惡棍和你想的不一樣,真的嗎?來看看野狼、食人魔和巫婆腦子想什麼、骨子裡裝什麼吧!左半邊為拉頁設計,介紹惡棍檔案,右


內容簡介 惡棍秘密檔案 互動遊戲書惡棍和你想的不一樣,真的嗎?來看看野狼、食人魔和巫婆腦子想什麼、骨子裡裝什麼吧!左半邊為拉頁設計,介紹惡棍檔案,右半邊是惡棍肖像。惡棍肖像從頭到腳、從裡到外,有好多翻頁。打開大野狼的腦,裡面盡是些鬼點子:如何變聲、如何吹倒屋子、如何讓手變白騙過小羊。野狼肚子內有好幾道刀疤,打開是好幾個受害者在裡面呢;食人魔的秘密也令人好奇:背心左右兩側打開各是5把刀和錢袋,靴子裡也藏著好幾把刀。肚子鼓鼓的,裝什麼呢,猜一猜?只能說他真是無肉不歡阿!至於巫婆,盈盈笑裡臉的背後是…(張牙舞爪的大嘴),為了妝容隨身攜帶鏡子,愛水第一名喔!An extraordinary pop-up book that reveals the secrets of the mostfamous fairy-tale villains--the giant, the wolf and the witch--withinteractive flaps, a twist on well-known tales, and personality cardsfor each villain. Lift the flaps to see the diabolical thoughts insidethe villains' heads, what hides beneath their disguises, or the victimsof their last meals (now comfortably settled inside their stomachs!).Readall about each villain on their personality card, which shows strengthsand weaknesses, pastimes, physical characteristics, their best mealand--of course--their favorite books.And if the wolf bites your fingers while you're reading, you can always pull his tail..."


書名 / Inside the Villains
作者 / Clotilde Perrin
簡介 / Inside the Villains:惡棍秘密檔案  互動遊戲書惡棍和你想的不一樣,真的嗎?來看看野狼、食人魔和巫婆腦子想什麼、骨子裡裝什麼吧!左半邊為拉頁設計,介紹惡棍檔案,右
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781776571987
ISBN10 / 1776571983
EAN / 9781776571987
誠品26碼 / 2681648507007
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.9X0.6X40.6CM
級別 / N:無
