Bizzy Bear: Aeroplane Pilot | 誠品線上

Bizzy Bear: Aeroplane Pilot

作者 Benji Davies
商品描述 Bizzy Bear: Aeroplane Pilot:BizzyBearandhisflightcrewaretakingtotheskies!LittlereaderswilllovetousethechunkymechanismstohelpBizzytakeoffandlandinthisrobustboar


內容簡介 ※此為【英國版】書籍※附音檔QRCode※建議使用年齡為2歲以上,2歲以下寶寶,請父母陪同閱讀,並留意翻閱,以免因為紙張堅硬,而造成幼兒肌膚受傷您喜歡有趣的冒險故事嗎?快來認識一下這隻可愛的小熊Bizzy Bear!讓我們跟隨他的腳步,一同經歷許多刺激的奇妙歷險,體驗歡樂無比的冒險時光。 總是熱心過頭的Bizzy Bear,幾乎快要讓自己成為世界上最忙碌的小熊了!本系列書籍透過充滿互動的書頁設計,讓孩子在閱讀過程中享受與眾不同的閱讀體驗。此外,本書系堅固的紙板材質,專為活潑好動的小讀者們而設計,即便孩子們玩得再怎麼瘋狂,也不容易造成損壞。豐富的插圖和幽默的文字,讓本書系成為家中必備的套書,陪伴一家大小共享天倫之樂。本書的作者是Benji Davies,他是Bizzy Bear系列繪本的插畫家。當他還是個孩子的時候,Benji就知道他未來不是選擇拍電影就是畫畫,長大之後他則是兩者兼得,將時間平均分配在創作繪本和拍攝動畫上頭。他目前居住在英國倫敦的哈克尼自治市。Bizzy Bear and his flight crew are taking to the skies! Little readers will love to use the chunky mechanisms to help Bizzy take off and land in this robust board book all about flying. With wonderfully detailed illustrations by Benji Davies, it's perfect for engaging the very young."


作者介紹 Benji Davies From a young age, Benji was invariably to be found drawing and painting at the kitchen table, a scene which is often repeated to this day. He is the illustrator of the incredibly successful Bizzy Bear titles, which have been published in 23 languages, as well as the Bizzy Bear app, and has written a number of recent picture books, including The Storm Whale and Grandad's Island. He is the winner of the inaugural Oscar's First Book Prize 2014 and the Sainsbury's Children's Book Award 2015. Benji lives in east London with his wife and young daughter. His website and blog can be found at


書名 / Bizzy Bear: Aeroplane Pilot
作者 / Benji Davies
簡介 / Bizzy Bear: Aeroplane Pilot:BizzyBearandhisflightcrewaretakingtotheskies!LittlereaderswilllovetousethechunkymechanismstohelpBizzytakeoffandlandinthisrobustboar
ISBN13 / 9781788005647
ISBN10 / 1788005643
EAN / 9781788005647
誠品26碼 / 2681775002000
頁數 / 10
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18X18X0CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
