Playtown: Emergency | 誠品線上

Playtown: Emergency

作者 Roger Priddy
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Playtown: Emergency:有狀況!有狀況!請求支援熱鬧遊戲城緊急狀況翻翻書喔咿!喔咿!喔咿!嗶嗶!!哎呀,發生什麼事了?原來是有緊急事故!警消和救護車都出動前來幫忙


內容簡介 有狀況!有狀況!請求支援 熱鬧遊戲城 緊急狀況 翻翻書 喔咿!喔咿!喔咿!嗶嗶!!哎呀,發生什麼事了?原來是有緊急事故!警消和救護車都出動前來幫忙了(有時還出動直升機呢)!以保護人民為職志的他們,好勇敢,好辛苦喔!Playtown緊急狀況翻翻書,就要帶小朋友認識英勇的保母的工作百態:消防員不執勤的時候都在做些什麼?(有人在打球,有人看報關心時事),出動時要注意什麼,呼吸裝備戴了沒?消防車門,裡面放了什麼?(打開發現東西都擺的整整齊齊,這樣才好取用啊);警察局有一區專門拘留嫌犯,還有一區打開竟都是民眾被偷的物品!!平常不太能有機會接觸的這些緊急服務單位,就由翻翻書來告訴你吧,同時也補充救急小知識喔!Playtown emergency services are always busy, working hard to keep the people of Playtown safe! Children will be fascinated to discover more about the firefighters, police, and rescue crews who work in Playtown, as well as the vehicles and machinery they use to help do their jobs. On every page of this busy book, there are fun flaps to lift that tell children more about the pictures above, and in the back of the book is a big scene to fold out that brings the emergency workers and their vehicles to life.


作者介紹 Roger Priddy's passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing's most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.


書名 / Playtown: Emergency
作者 / Roger Priddy
簡介 / Playtown: Emergency:有狀況!有狀況!請求支援熱鬧遊戲城緊急狀況翻翻書喔咿!喔咿!喔咿!嗶嗶!!哎呀,發生什麼事了?原來是有緊急事故!警消和救護車都出動前來幫忙
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780312520090
ISBN10 / 0312520093
EAN / 9780312520090
誠品26碼 / 2681360686004
頁數 / 16
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.2X20.7CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 紙板 膠水
