Lift the Tab: Christmas | 誠品線上

Lift the Tab: Christmas

作者 Roger Priddy
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Lift the Tab: Christmas:聖誕節頁籤硬紙板書下雪了,好冷喔!喝杯熱可可,暖暖身子,迎接聖誕節吧!到外頭溜冰玩雪記得戴上圍巾喔!這本聖誕節的頁籤書,把聖誕節應景的


內容簡介 聖誕節 頁籤硬紙板書下雪了,好冷喔!喝杯熱可可,暖暖身子,迎接聖誕節吧!到外頭溜冰玩雪記得戴上圍巾喔!這本聖誕節的頁籤書,把聖誕節應景的聖誕襪、薑餅人、拐杖糖、雪花、星星,還有小朋友最期待的禮物…等,都以頁籤形式列在周圍,小朋友喜歡哪個,可以直接循著標籤翻到那一頁,好好地欣賞。小熊喝著熱可可,等著小朋友來造訪喔!There are festive rhymes to read and pictures of all the exciting things that Christmas brings, in this board book of holiday delights. Babies and toddlers will love to use the picture tabs to turn to their favorite pages as they enjoy and celebrate this very special time of the year."


作者介紹 Roger Priddy's passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing's most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.


書名 / Lift the Tab: Christmas
作者 / Roger Priddy
簡介 / Lift the Tab: Christmas:聖誕節頁籤硬紙板書下雪了,好冷喔!喝杯熱可可,暖暖身子,迎接聖誕節吧!到外頭溜冰玩雪記得戴上圍巾喔!這本聖誕節的頁籤書,把聖誕節應景的
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780312520717
ISBN10 / 0312520719
EAN / 9780312520717
誠品26碼 / 2681360684000
頁數 / 18
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X21CM
級別 / N:無
