In My Garden | 誠品線上

In My Garden

作者 Charlotte Zolotow
商品描述 In My Garden:安靜熱鬧豐富的我的花園1隻小黑貓,1個小女孩,每天一起散步到花園。春天,他們觀察樹梢的鳥築巢,看鳥媽媽帶著蟲子返巢,餵食寶寶;有時,小女孩邊走邊跳繩


內容簡介 安靜 熱鬧 豐富的 我的花園1隻小黑貓,1個小女孩,每天一起散步到花園。春天,他們觀察樹梢的鳥築巢,看鳥媽媽帶著蟲子返巢,餵食寶寶;有時,小女孩邊走邊跳繩,穿過蘆荻小徑,小黑貓就緊緊跟隨;他們也放放風箏,看它在天空逍遙。夏天,花園盡是盛開的花朵,他們聞花香,欣賞顏色,或是轉身趴在矮牆看松鼠東奔西爬。秋天,他們架起梯子摘果實;到了冬天,花園結冰,女孩全副武裝包緊緊,呼嘯花園冰場。這個安靜的小花園,兼容四季萬物,無聲卻熱熱鬧鬧,充滿生氣,花園豐富小女孩和小黑貓的視野,也滋養心靈。作者為《兔子先生和可愛的禮物》夏綠蒂佐羅托Charlotte Zolotow,最早在1960年出版,60後,由《麥基先生請假的那一天》,一樣畫風溫暖的Philip Stead 為經典插畫,傳遞溫柔、定靜的力量。A little girl and her older friend poetically describe the garden as it changes through the seasons.This quiet, intergenerational story pays homage to experiencing nature as a child and as an adult. The two friends watch the birds, fly a kite, plant flowers and play in the snow.Two picture book giants, author editor Charlotte Zolotow and author illustrator Philip Stead collaborate across generations in this elegant retooling of Ms. Zolotow's In My Garden, originally published in 1960, complete with delicate, colorful illustrations."


作者介紹 Charlotte ZolotowFamed Charlotte Zolotow (1915-2013) authored over seventy picture books, including Over And Over, illustrated by Garth Williams, and Mr. Rabbit And The Lovely Present, illustrated by Maurice Sendak. She was an editor, and later publisher at Harper & Row, and her own books were published by over twenty houses.Philip Stead Philip Stead is the author of Caldecott medal A Sick Day For Amos Mcgee, illustrated by his wife, Erin E. Stead. He has written and illustrated many picture books including Hello, My Name is Ruby, Jonathan and the Big Blue Boat, All The Animals where I Live and Vernon is on His Way and A Home For Bird, which was on the Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, and Hornbook Fanfare lists for best Children's books of 2012. Stead lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


書名 / In My Garden
作者 / Charlotte Zolotow
簡介 / In My Garden:安靜熱鬧豐富的我的花園1隻小黑貓,1個小女孩,每天一起散步到花園。春天,他們觀察樹梢的鳥築巢,看鳥媽媽帶著蟲子返巢,餵食寶寶;有時,小女孩邊走邊跳繩
ISBN13 / 9780823443208
ISBN10 / 0823443205
EAN / 9780823443208
誠品26碼 / 2681862240001
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.1X19.3X1CM
級別 / N:無