Field Trip to the Moon | 誠品線上


作者 約翰.海爾
商品描述 Field Trip to the Moon:今天戶外教學的交通工具很不一樣喔,不是巴士,而是太空船。要去哪裡呢?月球!登陸月球後,穿越坑坑疤疤的表面、火山口,開始探索。其中一位小男


內容簡介 今天戶外教學的交通工具很不一樣喔,不是巴士,而是太空船。要去哪裡呢?月球!登陸月球後,穿越坑坑疤疤的表面、火山口,開始探索。其中一位小男孩坐在岩石後,拿出蠟筆,寫生畫畫,不久,便睡著了。醒來,發現其他同學都不見了,而身後卻有好幾個長像不一樣的生物,盯著男孩看…。小男孩拿出蠟筆,索性教他們使用蠟筆、畫畫、玩顏色,玩得不亦樂乎。最後,老師出現了,將男孩帶走。返回地球的航程上,他拿出畫筆,畫出異地朋友的樣子。這是一趟很不一樣的戶外教學呢!It's field trip day, and students are excited to travel on their yellow spaceship bus from their space station to the moon.Climb aboard the spaceship bus for a fantastic field trip adventure to the moon. Once they land, students debark and set out with their teacher to explore. They jump over trenches and see craters and mountains on the moon's surface and even Earth in the faraway distance. One student takes a break to draw some pictures, falls asleep, and wakes up to discover that the rest of the class and the spaceship are gone. How the student passes the time waiting to be rescued makes for a funny and unexpected adventure that will enchant children all over the galaxy.With rich atmospheric art, John Hare's wordless picture book invites children to imagine themselves in the story--a story full of surprises including some friendly space creatures. Published in time for the fiftieth anniversary of the first moon walk, it is a perfect complement to discussions and lessons on the moon landing."


作者介紹 John Hare is a freelance illustrator, graphic designer, and space nerd. Field Trip to the Moon is his first picture book for children. He lives in Gladstone, Missouri, with his wife and two children.


書名 / Field Trip to the Moon
作者 / 約翰.海爾
簡介 / Field Trip to the Moon:今天戶外教學的交通工具很不一樣喔,不是巴士,而是太空船。要去哪裡呢?月球!登陸月球後,穿越坑坑疤疤的表面、火山口,開始探索。其中一位小男
ISBN13 / 9780823442539
ISBN10 / 0823442535
EAN / 9780823442539
誠品26碼 / 2681760041007
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.7X26.1X0.9CM
級別 / N:無