LEGO Epic History | 誠品線上

LEGO Epic History

作者 Rona Skene
商品描述 LEGO Epic History:Discoverthepastlikeneverbefore-inLEGO®bricks!DiscoverthehistoryoftheworldandgetinspiredtobuildyourownepicLEGO®models!Thebookalsocomeswithbric


內容簡介 穿越歷史的樂高 看樂高,學歷史金字塔、人面獅身、山頂洞人、帕德嫩神廟、巨石文化、飛機、火車…等,這些用樂高仿真拼出來的建築、人物,要來帶讀者認識人類歷史囉,從早期人類開始繼而至中世紀、工業革命與現代。依時間順序排列,上古:古埃及、古羅馬、古中國;中世紀:維京人、中世紀日本、絲路、古高麗;大探索世紀:阿茲特克文明、蒙兀兒帝國;工業世紀:美國革命、西部拓荒、工業革命;現代:戲院娛樂、太空競賽等。除了大歷史,也收錄許多小知識,像是古羅馬士兵打仗,手上會拿著旗子,他們常常行走,因此腳很痛;現代人用時鐘測時間,但是在古埃及,人們用瓶子滴水來測量時間呢!書末,還有一章節,簡單介紹建構這些積木的創作者。讀完本書,不只對歷史有基礎認識,也能動手跟著仿做喔!Discover the past like never before - in LEGO® bricks!Discover the history of the world and get inspired to build your own epic LEGO® models!The book also comes with bricks to make four exclusive LEGO mini-builds - woolly mammoth, Parthenon, pagoda, and rocket launch pad.Covering global history from the earliest humans building fire and inventing the wheel, to a modern day city with sustainable energy technology and robots, LEGO Epic History is the perfect introduction for children learning about the past.LEGO models and minifigures bring to life scenes from the most epic historical periods and inspire children to get creative and build their own! Covers fun, accessible aspects of history through time and place, from the Ancient Egyptians to the Space Race and from Aztec temples to Chinese inventions.©2020 The LEGO Group."


作者介紹 Rona SkeneRona Skene has been writing and editing children's books for more than 20 years. She is a LEGO® fan and has written the LEGO® Animal Atlas and LEGO® Amazing Vehicles for DK, as well as many other fiction and nonfiction books for children. Rona lives in London, England with her partner and two cats.


書名 / LEGO Epic History
作者 / Rona Skene
簡介 / LEGO Epic History:Discoverthepastlikeneverbefore-inLEGO®bricks!DiscoverthehistoryoftheworldandgetinspiredtobuildyourownepicLEGO®models!Thebookalsocomeswithbric
ISBN13 / 9780241409190
ISBN10 / 0241409195
EAN / 9780241409190
誠品26碼 / 2681912512003
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.5X12.5X2CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 塑膠
