The Ickabog | 誠品線上

伊卡伯格: J.K. 羅琳寫給孩子的床邊故事, 也是獻給所有仍保有赤子之心的大人的原創奇幻童話!

作者 J.K.羅琳
商品描述 The Ickabog:TheIckabogiscoming…Amythicalmonster,akingdominperil,anadventurethatwilltesttwochildren'sbraverytothelimit.Discoverabrilliantlyoriginalfairytaleabo


內容簡介 巨大、灼眼、利爪…,傳說中的恐怖怪獸Ickabog 襲向富饒王國J.K. 羅琳 的第一本童話故事身高有兩匹馬這麼高,眼睛像火球灼熱刺眼,爪子像刀鋒一樣瑞銳利。小心點,大家,牠,要來了…!似真似假的傳說怪物,即將被恐懼侵襲的王國,兩個挑戰勇敢極限的小孩…J.K. 羅琳在哈利波特之外,為兒童執筆的童話故事。傳達希望和友情,力量無比強大,絕對能克服所有窒礙。Cornucopia曾經是世界上最快樂的國家,擁有數不完的黃金,有錢有閒,國王有著一臉精緻有型的鬍子呢。不過,最聞名遐邇的是,他們的美食。這個國家擁有最懂得食材的肉販、烘焙師、乳酪商等,宛如食物魔術師的精湛手藝,常常讓品嚐過後的客人,不自覺地跳起舞來。每件事都很完美,就除了北方的 Marshlands沼澤地之外,據說是Ickabog出沒的地方。有人說那只是個傳說,用來嚇小孩的,不是真的,但是也有人說,牠真的存在。到底是真是假呢?這樣的傳說會把國王搞得雞飛狗跳,進而摧毀國家嗎?恐怖傳說激發著兩個孩子進入前所未有的冒險旅程。你要是夠勇敢的話,就打開書吧…The Ickabog is coming… A mythical monster, a kingdom in peril, an adventure that will test two children's bravery to the limit. Discover a brilliantly original fairy tale about the power of hope and friendship to triumph against all odds, from one of the world's best storytellers.The kingdom of Cornucopia was once the happiest in the world. It had plenty of gold, a king with the finest moustaches you could possibly imagine, and butchers, bakers and cheesemongers whose exquisite foods made a person dance with delight when they ate them.Everything was perfect – except for the misty Marshlands to the north which, according to legend, were home to the monstrous Ickabog. Anyone sensible knew that the Ickabog was just a myth, to scare children into behaving. But the funny thing about myths is that sometimes they take on a life of their own.Could a myth unseat a beloved king? Could a myth bring a once happy country to its knees? Could a myth thrust two children into an adventure they didn't ask for and never expected?If you're feeling brave, step into the pages of this book to find out…A beautiful hardback edition, perfect for sharing and gift-giving. Brought to life with full-colour illustrations by the young winners of The Ickabog Illustration Competition."


作者介紹 J.K. RowlingJ.K. Rowling is the author of the seven Harry Potter books, first published between 1997 and 2007. The adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have sold over 500 million copies, been translated into over 80 languages, and made into eight blockbuster films. Alongside the book series, she has written three short companion volumes for charity, including Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which later became the inspiration for a new series of films, also written by J.K. Rowling. She then continued Harry's story as a grown-up in a stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which she wrote with playwright Jack Thorne and director John Tiffany, and which has been playing to great acclaim in theatres in Europe, North America and Australia. J.K. Rowling has received many awards and honours for her writing. She also supports a number of causes through her charitable trust, Volant, and is the founder of the children's charity Lumos, which fights for a world without orphanages and institutions, and reunites families. For as long as she can remember, J.K. Rowling has wanted to be a writer, and is at her happiest in a room, making things up. She lives in Scotland with her family. The Ickabog is J.K. Rowling's first book for children since Harry Potter and was initially published online for families to enjoy and engage with creatively whilst in lockdown in 2020.


書名 / The Ickabog
作者 / J.K.羅琳
簡介 / The Ickabog:TheIckabogiscoming…Amythicalmonster,akingdominperil,anadventurethatwilltesttwochildren'sbraverytothelimit.Discoverabrilliantlyoriginalfairytaleabo
ISBN13 / 9781510202252
ISBN10 / 1510202250
EAN / 9781510202252
誠品26碼 / 2681909970007
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X14X4CM
級別 / N:無
