A Sick Day for Amos McGee: Book & CD Storytime Set | 誠品線上

A Sick Day for Amos McGee: Book & CD Storytime Set

作者 Philip C. Stead
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 A Sick Day for Amos McGee: Book & CD Storytime Set:一段誠摯的友誼一個愛的故事2011年凱迪克大獎金牌獎作品麥基先生在動物園裡工作,他每天都會花一點時間陪伴好朋友陪


內容簡介 一段誠摯的友誼 一個愛的故事 2011年凱迪克大獎金牌獎作品 麥基先生在動物園裡工作,他每天都會花一點時間陪伴好朋友 陪大象下棋、跟烏龜賽跑、借手帕給犀牛…… 但是有一天,他生病了,動物們擔心得不得了。 所以,他們出發了…… 《麥基先生請假的那一天》描繪的是人與動物之間深刻的牽絆及友情。麥基先生生活規律,雖然在動物園上班,但卻把身邊的動物們當作朋友般的對待,每天細心照料。當有一天麥基先生請病假,打破了一直以來的規律,但是,真摯的友情卻因動物們的回報而更加緊密。他們之間溫暖的愛與關懷,從書中滿溢而出,緩緩的流進讀者的心裡。 作者以木版畫拓印出色彩柔和的色塊,作為角色與背景的輪廓,再以鉛筆描繪細部,使麥基先生及動物們極為表情生動可愛。暖黃色調的房間牆壁、貫穿全書的紅色氣球、穩重的綠色制服……這些精簡的的用色搭配上淺米黃的底色,更加襯托出那份平凡卻常存的愛。 THE BEST SICK DAY EVER and the animals in the zoo feature in this striking picture book debut.Friends come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. In Amos McGee's case, all sorts of species, too! Every day he spends a little bit of time with each of his friends at the zoo, running races with the tortoise, keeping the shy penguin company, and even reading bedtime stories to the owl. But when Amos is too sick to make it to the zoo, his animal friends decide it's time they returned the favor.A Sick Day for Amos McGee from Philip C. Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead is a 2011 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year and the winner of the 2011 Caldecott Medal. This title has Common Core connections.


作者介紹 Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead won the Caldecott Medal for A Sick Day for Amos McGee, their first book together. Philip is also the author and illustrator of Creamed Tuna Fish and Peas on Toast. They divide their time between Ann Arbor, Michigan, and New York City.


書名 / A Sick Day for Amos McGee: Book & CD Storytime Set
作者 / Philip C. Stead
簡介 / A Sick Day for Amos McGee: Book & CD Storytime Set:一段誠摯的友誼一個愛的故事2011年凱迪克大獎金牌獎作品麥基先生在動物園裡工作,他每天都會花一點時間陪伴好朋友陪
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781427287229
ISBN10 / 1427287228
EAN / 9781427287229
誠品26碼 / 2681440134005
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X21.6CM
級別 / N:無
