內容簡介 Disney Pixar Inside Out takes you to a place that everyone knows but no one has ever seen: inside the human mind. This Step 3 Step into Reading leveled reader based on the film features a shiny foil cover and two sheets of sparkly stickers. Perfect for boys and girls ages 5 to 8! Disney Pixar Inside Outreleases in theaters June 19, 2015!Step 3 readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|皮克斯電影《腦筋急轉彎2》6句成長語錄,教會自己沒有任何情緒是多餘的撰文|迷誠品內容中心皮克斯動畫《腦筋急轉彎》的樂樂、怒怒和憂憂等小情緒們的互動故事,帶給我們無數的歡笑與感動。過了9年後,終於在近期上映《腦筋急轉彎2》,大腦總部也增加擁有不同魅力的4位新成員!這次分享6個值得你深思的電影金句,不論是沒有觀看的人,還是已經入戲院觀影的粉絲,都能因相似的青春期經歷而有滿滿的共鳴感。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章