Sector 7 | 誠品線上


作者 David Wiesner
商品描述 Sector 7:「想像」永遠是孩子們最令人不可思議的寶藏;而「想像」也永遠是圖畫書裡永不耗竭的泉源題材。本書《Sector7》也是表達大衛威斯納(DavidWiesner)豐富且跳脫窒筶


內容簡介 Only the person who gave us Tuesday could have devised this fantastic Caldecott Honor-winning tale, which begins with a school trip to the Empire State Building. There a boy makes friends with a mischievous little cloud, who whisks him away to the Cloud Dispatch Center for Sector 7 (the region that includes New York City). The clouds are bored with their everyday shapes, so the boy obligingly starts to sketch some new ones. . . . The wordless yet eloquent account of this unparalleled adventure is a funny, touching story about art, friendship, and the weather, as well as a visual tour de force. Only the person who gave us Tuesday could have devised this fantastic tale, which begins with a school trip to the Empire State Building. There a boy makes friends with a mischievous little cloud, who whisks him away to the Cloud Dispatch Center for Sector 7 (the region that includes New York City). The clouds are bored with their everyday shapes, so the boy obligingly starts to sketch some new ones. . . . The wordless yet eloquent account of this unparalleled adventure is a funny, touching story about art, friendship, and the weather, as well as a visual tour de force.


各界推薦 「想像」永遠是孩子們最令人不可思議的寶藏;而「想像」也永遠是圖畫書裡永不耗竭的泉源題材。本書《Sector 7 》也是表達大衛威斯納(David Wiesner)豐富且跳脫窒筶的視覺敘事作品,這本曾贏得2000年的凱迪克銀牌獎的故事場景,發生在曼哈頓的天空。一個好奇小朋友乘著電梯往帝國大廈的頂端,當他望著雲兒的變化多端的時候,卻發現神秘的七號夢工廠(Sector 7)在雲靄中漸漸清晰。這個七號夢工廠(Sector 7)是讓雲的形狀變化多端的加工區,而故事裡的主人翁也乘著想像中的雲參觀夢幻第七區雲朵製造工廠。往後您看著變幻的雲朵時,不妨也讓您的想像馳騁在天空,也許也能發現一個屬於自己的Sector 7。


作者介紹 David Wiesner's interest in visual storytelling dates back to high school days when he made silent movies and drew wordless comic books. Born and raised in Bridgewater, New Jersey, he graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA in Illustration. While a student, he created a painting nine feet long, which he now recognizes as the genesis of Free Fall, his first book of his own authorship, for which he was awarded a Caldecott Honor Medal in 1989. David won his first Caldecott Medal in 1992 for Tuesday, and he has gone on to win twice more: in 2002 for The Three Pigs and in 2007 for Flotsam. He is only the second person in the award�s history to win the Caldecott Medal three times. David and his wife, Kim Kahng, and their two children live near Philadelphia, where he devotes full time to illustration and she pursues her career as a surgeon.


書名 / Sector 7
作者 / David Wiesner
簡介 / Sector 7:「想像」永遠是孩子們最令人不可思議的寶藏;而「想像」也永遠是圖畫書裡永不耗竭的泉源題材。本書《Sector7》也是表達大衛威斯納(DavidWiesner)豐富且跳脫窒筶
ISBN13 / 9780395746561
ISBN10 / 0395746566
EAN / 9780395746561
誠品26碼 / 2613026857008
裝訂 / 精裝
頁數 / 00048
語言 / 英文
級別 /
