內容簡介 此故事禮盒含4本書+1張CD,讓Eric Carle的大小書迷一次珍藏。 Bill Martin Jr和 Eric Carle’s這套經典的童書,一直以來為幼兒們所愛,本套書透過一問一答的方式和重覆的句型,藉由能夠朗朗上口的語句以及豐富可愛的插圖,小朋友可以跟爸媽一起享受閱讀的樂趣,並學習分辨各種動物和色彩。這本韻文書充滿了艾瑞卡爾活潑繽紛的貼畫創作,不僅能激發孩子的想像力,更為親子閱讀增添許多互動的趣味。不只有教育意含,更蘊含親子同樂的意義! 收錄了四個熊熊故事分別是Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?; Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?及最新收錄的Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?。 整張CD長度約60分鐘。英文版部分是由奧斯卡影后Gwyneth Paltrow朗讀。
作者介紹 Bill Martin Jr was an elementary-school principal, a teacher, writer, and poet. His many bestselling classics are a testament to his ability to speak directly to children and have left a legacy to generations to come. Eric Carle's innovative books have earned him a place in the canon of classic children's literature. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? was the first book he illustrated; he then went on to write and illustrate The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Grouchy Ladybug, as well as many other books for children.