A Busy Day for Birds | 誠品線上


作者 露西.卡森
商品描述 A Busy Day for Birds:想像你是一隻鳥,一起來玩鳥兒體操!像麻雀一樣跳、跳、跳,跟企鵝走路東倒又西歪學紅鶴抬頭挺胸單腳站!繼《從頭動到腳》之後,又一本讓孩子快樂扭


內容簡介 想像你是一隻鳥,一起來玩鳥兒體操! 像麻雀一樣跳、跳、跳,跟企鵝走路東倒又西歪 學紅鶴抬頭挺胸單腳站! 繼《從頭動到腳》之後, 又一本讓孩子快樂扭動的書 這次,五彩繽紛的鳥兒們要登場了!請大聲念出變身咒語,想像變成一隻公雞,「高聲叫,咕咕咕─」,再像天鵝一樣「伸長脖子划呀划」,接著學母雞「咯咯咯咯!生了一個蛋」。這是一本最適合親子共讀、共玩的書,看似簡單的動作,對孩子來說都有著無窮的趣味。 扮演遊戲開始了,準備好跟孩子一起玩了嗎? 本書是聞名全球的小鼠波波作者露西.卡森的最新創作,色彩鮮豔豐富,加上充滿韻律感的文字,讓孩子扮演不同的鳥兒,一會兒跟著麻雀「跳,跳,跳!」一會兒學啄木鳥「敲,敲,敲!」,還要大聲學鳥兒唱歌!讓孩子跟著輕快的句子,愉快的模仿鳥兒,動動身體也動動腦、發揮創意! 適合幼兒園一起玩 大大的開本,更適合幼兒園老師講故事、做團體活動。讓孩子學鳥兒一下飛高高,一下飛低低,飛了一圈又一圈,或像孔雀開屏一樣、搖搖屁股。除了讓孩子盡情發展肢體動覺、鍛鍊身體外,還可以讓他們學習用身體來表達想法和感覺,例如學紅鶴單腳站,可以訓練孩子的平衡感,讓孩子在跑跳、遊戲中不受傷害。 Peck, hop, flap and make some noise in this story full of colour, rhyme and feathered friends - now in paperback! Flap your wings, fly up high, open your beak and sing in this fun action rhyme story about fantastical birds by multi-award-winning author Lucy Cousins. "Can you imagine ...just for one day ...you're a busy bird? Yes, a bird! Hooray!" Can you stand on one leg like a flamingo or waddle like a penguin? How about say "cock-a-doodle-doo!", "tuwit-tuwoo" and even "tra-la-la"? What a busy day you will have! A bouncy read-aloud book to be enjoyed; beautifully illustrated with bold, bright colours and packed with all sorts of wild and wonderful birds!


作者介紹 About the AuthorLucy Cousins is one of today´s most acclaimed author-illustrators of children´s books. Her unique titles fascinate babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with their child-like simplicity, bold outlines, and vivid colours. The engaging adventures of characters such as Maisy reflect the familiar experiences that young children have every day. ""Maisy does things that children all over the world do,"" Lucy Cousins says of her superstar mouse. ""The way she dresses, the way she acts, are typical of children all over the world.""Where does the prolific Lucy Cousins, a mother of four children, find the energy? ""I'm quite disciplined,"" she says of her productivity. ""If I'm having an 'ideas' day, I just sit at my desk and draw and write until I feel something is happening-though I admit that this is usually helped by a cup of tea, some lively music, and an abundance of sunshine."" As for outside inspiration, she says she's sometimes influenced by the work of other artists, as long as those artists are children. Says the author-illustrator, ""I get more pleasure and inspiration from walking around a primary school than from any art gallery."" While the character Maisy was born before any of her four children, Lucy Cousins says there is no doubt she can ""create better books and stories now that I have the insight into children's minds that all parents have. It's like having a market research team in my own home!"" During the creation of the My Cloth Books, for example, her daughter, Josie, who was seven months old, proved a helpful critic: ""Josie looked at them and chewed them and did all the right things,"" the proud mother says. Lucy Cousins works from home in Hampshire, England.


書名 / A Busy Day for Birds
作者 / 露西.卡森
簡介 / A Busy Day for Birds:想像你是一隻鳥,一起來玩鳥兒體操!像麻雀一樣跳、跳、跳,跟企鵝走路東倒又西歪學紅鶴抬頭挺胸單腳站!繼《從頭動到腳》之後,又一本讓孩子快樂扭
ISBN13 / 9781406376548
ISBN10 / 140637654X
EAN / 9781406376548
誠品26碼 / 2681539411000
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.1X0.4X30CM
級別 / N:無
