Peck Peck Peck | 誠品線上

Peck Peck Peck

作者 Lucy Cousins
商品描述 Peck Peck Peck:今天啄木鳥爸爸要教小啄木鳥如何用牠尖尖的嘴巴啄啄啄。小啄木鳥帶著興奮的心情展開了人生第一部敲擊樂章。牠一會兒啄帽子、一會兒啄墊子、一會兒跳上網球


內容簡介 今天啄木鳥爸爸要教小啄木鳥如何用牠尖尖的嘴巴啄啄啄。小啄木鳥帶著興奮的心情展開了人生第一部敲擊樂章。牠一會兒啄帽子、一會兒啄墊子、一會兒跳上網球拍、一會兒抓著夾克不放。小啄木鳥好賣力啊,東啄西啄就是停不下來,看看這些大大小小的洞,真是傷腦筋。這本好玩有趣的繪本出自《小老鼠波波》作者Lucy Cousins之手。承襲波波系列的畫風,作者利用鮮活飽滿的色彩、大膽奔放的線條,向小朋友介紹另一個同樣討喜、活力十足的角色—小啄木鳥,不僅小朋友喜歡,連大人也無法抵擋牠的魅力喔。A 'hole' lot of fun in a board book, from the creator of Maisy! The stunning Peck Peck Peck from multi-award-winning Lucy Cousins is now available as a board book, with colour so exuberant it leaps right off the page.Today my daddy said to me, "It's time you learnt to peck a tree. " Little Woodpecker has just learnt how to peck and - ooh! yippee! - what fun it is! Off he goes, on his first big pecking adventure, and he peck, peck, pecks his little heart out. He pecks the hat and then the mat, the tennis racket AND the jacket... just LOOK at all the holes he has made! Comical, contemporary and original, this bouncy read aloud book is beautifully illustrated and will capture a little one's attention with the tactile holes on every page! Lucy Cousins introduces readers to a brand new character - a joyous and enthusiastic little woodpecker who simply LOVES to peck and is happily encouraged to peck, peck, peck as much as he can! With a bouncy, read-aloud text, beautifully bold illustrations and sturdy pages die-cut with lots of holes, this board book is ideal to share. Lucy Cousins' books have sold over 30 million copies worldwide and are available in 29 different languages."


書名 / Peck Peck Peck
作者 / Lucy Cousins
簡介 / Peck Peck Peck:今天啄木鳥爸爸要教小啄木鳥如何用牠尖尖的嘴巴啄啄啄。小啄木鳥帶著興奮的心情展開了人生第一部敲擊樂章。牠一會兒啄帽子、一會兒啄墊子、一會兒跳上網球
ISBN13 / 9781406365177
ISBN10 / 1406365173
EAN / 9781406365177
誠品26碼 / 2681337036009
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.7X18CM
級別 / N:無
