Out of a Dark Winter's Night | 誠品線上

Out of a Dark Winter's Night

作者 Flora McDonnell
商品描述 Out of a Dark Winter's Night:男孩每到太陽西下日落時,心情就變得不美麗、焦慮、沮喪,尤其在冬天的夜晚,又暗又長,更感惶恐。他想辦法要阻止太陽西下,於是帶著推車啟


內容簡介 男孩每到太陽西下日落時,心情就變得不美麗、焦慮、沮喪,尤其在冬天的夜晚,又暗又長,更感惶恐。他想辦法要阻止太陽西下,於是帶著推車啟程,沿途有動物朋友們伴隨。不過,黑暗還是再度降臨了,而且情況一次比一次更糟。最終,他們希望平安返家就好,在安全的家,看黎明,看太陽升起。這是一本關於心理健康的書。作者McDonnell將自己第一手焦慮、沮喪的經驗,以詩般的意境傳達,留有空間讓讀者感受、回應。McDonnell說,這本書就像他的自傳。當時小小的他,不喜歡日落,討厭黑夜。經過了一些幫忙,才學習看太陽升起。希望本書給有同樣困擾的孩子一點勇氣,鼓勵卡在灰暗世界的孩子練習看向光明。In Out of a Dark Winter's Night, illustrator and author Flora McDonnell tells the story of a small child whose spirit of adventure is dampened when the day ends and gives way to night. Taking their wheelbarrow, they set out on a mission to stop the sun from setting again, joined along the way by a charming collection of animal friends. But when darkness falls and worst comes to worst, it is hope that eventually carries them back home, where as day follows night the dawn breaks again A response to calls for books that help children and families understand mental health issues, Out of a Dark Winter's Night is a gentle expression of McDonnell's firsthand experience with anxiety and depression that is empathetic and poetic, to allow room for multiple interpretations and responses. McDonnell has said of the book, 'This is my autobiography. A journey since childhood to harness the sun and stop the darkness of the night, which I think has to be abandoned in the end. With a helping hand, I have learnt that if I turn around and face the darkness, no matter how painful, in the end I will see the sun rise … The book is intended to give courage to any child or adult who feels they are stuck in the darkness of a winter's night.’"


作者介紹 Flora McDonnellFlora McDonnell is an artist and picture book maker. She is the creator of Flora McDonnell's ABC, I Love Animals, I Love Boats, Splash!, and Giddy-up! Let's Ride!, among many other books.


書名 / Out of a Dark Winter's Night
作者 / Flora McDonnell
簡介 / Out of a Dark Winter's Night:男孩每到太陽西下日落時,心情就變得不美麗、焦慮、沮喪,尤其在冬天的夜晚,又暗又長,更感惶恐。他想辦法要阻止太陽西下,於是帶著推車啟
ISBN13 / 9780500651957
ISBN10 / 0500651957
EAN / 9780500651957
誠品26碼 / 2681841980003
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.2X31X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
