On the Plane: A Shine-a-Light Book | 誠品線上

光影魔術系列: 空中旅行的祕密

作者 Carron Brown
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 On the Plane: A Shine-a-Light Book:大受歡迎的手電筒透光書繁忙的飛機場,忙碌的景象背後,它的奧秘正等著你去探索飛機場就像一座迷你都市,繁忙、充滿活力;更棒的是,


內容簡介 大受歡迎的手電筒透光書繁忙的飛機場,忙碌的景象背後,它的奧秘正等著你去探索 飛機場就像一座迷你都市,繁忙、充滿活力;更棒的是,這裡到處都是飛機! 現在,一起出發認識飛機場的運作方式和各種設備吧! 今天,飛機場會發生什麼好玩的事情呢?請拿一支手電筒照亮畫面背後,仔細觀察,從檢查護照的地勤人員、使用X光機掃描行李的海關人員,到駕駛飛機的正、副駕駛,跟緊囉!在熙來攘往的飛機場,我們將飛機場的裡裡外外,還有飛機內部的秘密都向你揭露,翻開內頁,你將深刻體驗空中旅行的樂趣。 Watch a plane get ready for take-off with this beautifully illustrated interactive book! By simply holding the book up to the light, or shining a torch behind each page, young readers will be able to discover the hidden secrets of an airport, how pilots prepare a plane for flight, and how cabin crew help passengers to enjoy their journey.The innovative see-through feature fulfils a similar function to lift-the-flap books, but has the added interactive dimension of the child being able to see both the surface and the hidden picture at the same time. "


作者介紹 About the AuthorCarron Brown (London, UK) has been a children's nonfiction editor and writer for more than 16 years. She has written 12 books in the Ivy Kids Shine-a-Light series, which has over 1 million books in print.Bee Johnson (Brooklyn, USA) is a Memphis-bred and Brooklyn-based illustrator and creative director. She studied Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design and has worked for a variety of clients including Cambridge University Press and Atlanta Magazine.


書名 / On the Plane: A Shine-a-Light Book
作者 / Carron Brown
簡介 / On the Plane: A Shine-a-Light Book:大受歡迎的手電筒透光書繁忙的飛機場,忙碌的景象背後,它的奧秘正等著你去探索飛機場就像一座迷你都市,繁忙、充滿活力;更棒的是,
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781782404781
ISBN10 / 1782404783
EAN / 9781782404781
誠品26碼 / 2681541364004
頁數 / 36
尺寸 / 26X26CM
裝訂 / 平裝
語言 / 英文
級別 /
