Secrets of the Apple Tree: A Shine-A-Light Book | 誠品線上

Secrets of the Apple Tree: A Shine-A-Light Book

作者 Carron Brown
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Secrets of the Apple Tree: A Shine-A-Light Book:AShine-a-LightBook手電筒透光書英國出版社IvyPress推出的AShineALight系列,主題包羅萬象,從人體、農場、外太空、到


內容簡介 A Shine-a-Light Book手電筒透光書英國出版社Ivy Press推出的A Shine A Light系列,主題包羅萬象,從人體、農場、外太空、到各種交通等的主題這一系列透光書在每個跨頁都隱藏著看不見的訊息,只要拿起手電筒或其他光源從書頁背後照過來,就可以因著透光效光看見隱藏的圖文。互動效果佳。同時插圖精美,內文簡單易讀,是引領有閱讀能力的孩子進入非虛構(non- fiction)閱讀的好素材,也適合親子共讀。This beautifully illustrated book will introduce children to the joys of nature, and show them what wonderful secrets are revealed if you just look a little closer. By holding a light behind each page, children can see the creatures who make a tree their home, from the worms who live among the roots to the birds who nest high up in the branches. The clever see-through reading technique creates an experience of interactive learning, showing both the surface and what is hidden underneath at the same time.


書名 / Secrets of the Apple Tree: A Shine-A-Light Book
作者 / Carron Brown
簡介 / Secrets of the Apple Tree: A Shine-A-Light Book:AShine-a-LightBook手電筒透光書英國出版社IvyPress推出的AShineALight系列,主題包羅萬象,從人體、農場、外太空、到
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781782402862
ISBN10 / 1782402861
EAN / 9781782402862
誠品26碼 / 2681137724007
頁數 / 36
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X26CM
級別 / N:無
