Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months | 誠品線上

Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months

作者 Maurice Sendak
商品描述 Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months:ChickenSoupwithRice,alongwiththeotherthreeclassicNutshellLibrarytitles(AlligatorsAllAround,OneWasJohnny,andPierre),ist


內容簡介 Chicken Soup with Rice, along with the other three classic Nutshell Library titles (Alligators All Around, One Was Johnny, and Pierre), is the first board book edition of Maurice Sendak’s original work! You loved Nutshell Library as a miniature collection, and these large board books will make it even easier for children to share with their grown-up readers.For over fifty years, children have discovered that whether it’s January, June, or December, every month is perfect for Chicken Soup with Rice. Maurice Sendak blends his signature artwork with rhymes you’ll want to read over and over—in every season.


書名 / Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months
作者 / Maurice Sendak
簡介 / Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months:ChickenSoupwithRice,alongwiththeotherthreeclassicNutshellLibrarytitles(AlligatorsAllAround,OneWasJohnny,andPierre),ist
ISBN13 / 9780062668080
ISBN10 / 0062668080
EAN / 9780062668080
誠品26碼 / 2681447615002
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.5X12.7CM
級別 / N:無