Frankenstein | 誠品線上


作者 Mary Shelley
商品描述 Frankenstein:世界第一部科幻恐怖小說一再登上銀幕、啟發後世無數科幻作品的經典之作人能否跨越分際,擅自扮演上帝的角色?對科學極度狂熱的維克托.法蘭肯斯坦為了解開生


內容簡介 世界第一部科幻恐怖小說 一再登上銀幕、啟發後世無數科幻作品的經典之作 人能否跨越分際,擅自扮演上帝的角色? 對科學極度狂熱的維克托.法蘭肯斯坦為了解開生命之謎,終日在墓室與停屍間內研究腐敗駭人的軀體,終於發現創造生命的關鍵。即將做出重大科學突破的狂喜,讓他全無意識到,自己以人類形貌為本、以屍塊拼湊而出的,將是一個面貌猙獰、身形奇高,連創造者自己見了都不免為之膽寒的怪物! 就在怪物睜眼的瞬間,驚怖悲慘的命運,已悄悄跟進…… 撇開「世界第一部科幻小說……」這些響亮的頭銜不談,做為一本純以閱讀樂趣為考量的小說,《科學怪人》也是一部很好看的作品。……在現代繽紛多彩聲光特效中看不見的科學怪人真面目,卻在一部近兩百年前問世的小說閱讀中活靈活現地呈現,這就是閱讀的魔力之一,是任何聲光科技無法取代的奇妙時空,也是《科學怪人》這部作品到了現在依然彌足珍貴的理由。 --科幻作家 蘇逸平Frankenstein is the classic gothic horror novel which has thrilled and engrossed readers for two centuries. Written by Mary Shelley, it is a story which she intended would ‘curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart.’ The tale is a superb blend of science fiction, mystery and thriller. Victor Frankenstein driven by the mad dream of creating his own creature, experiments with alchemy and science to build a monster stitched together from dead remains. Once the creature becomes a living breathing articulate entity, it turns on its maker and the novel darkens into tragedy. The reader is very quickly swept along by the force of the elegant prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multi-layered themes in the novel. Although first published in 1818, Shelley’s masterpiece still maintains a strong grip on the imagination and has been the inspiration for numerous horror movies, television and stage adaptations.


作者介紹 Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was born in 1797, the daughter of two of the leading radical writers of the age. Her mother died just days after her birth and she was educated at home by her father and encouraged in literary pursuits. She eloped with and subsequently married the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, but their life together was full of hardship. The couple were ruined by disapproving parents and Mary lost three of her four children. Although its subject matter was extremely dark, her first novel Frankenstein (1818) was an instant sensation. Subsequent works such as Mathilda (1819), Valperga (1823) and The Last Man(1826) were less successful but are now finally receiving the critical acclaim that they deserve.


書名 / Frankenstein
作者 / Mary Shelley
簡介 / Frankenstein:世界第一部科幻恐怖小說一再登上銀幕、啟發後世無數科幻作品的經典之作人能否跨越分際,擅自扮演上帝的角色?對科學極度狂熱的維克托.法蘭肯斯坦為了解開生
ISBN13 / 9781509827756
ISBN10 / 1509827757
EAN / 9781509827756
誠品26碼 / 2681423358008
頁數 / 280
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.6X9.6CM
級別 / N:無
