Elephants in Heaven | 誠品線上

Elephants in Heaven

作者 Joachim Schmeisser
出版社 teNeues Verlag GmbH
商品描述 Elephants in Heaven:非洲孤兒小象們的成長之路攝影集象是陸地上最大型的哺乳動物,早期的生物學將牠們分類在厚皮動物(pachyderms)。牠們皮厚,軀體龐大,給人一種過著靜


內容簡介 非洲孤兒小象們的成長之路攝影集象是陸地上最大型的哺乳動物,早期的生物學將牠們分類在厚皮動物(pachyderms)。牠們皮厚,軀體龐大,給人一種過著靜謐且安全生活的印象。但事實是,自古代以來,象一直是人類獵捕的對象,只因為那如奇珍異寶的象牙。成象被射殺後,無人關心孤苦無依的小象們,牠們心靈受創,害怕地過著日子。總部位於奈洛比的David Sheldrick野生動物基金會是世界最大也最成功的拯救與成功野放孤象的野生動物看護中心。野生動物攝影師Joachim Schmeisser與基金會合作,以照片將這些孤象們的成長歷程完整地記錄下來。在這本攝影集中,我們看到獸醫技士們以奶瓶餵養小象直到牠們大到可以自己找到草料為止。幼象與較大的象共同生活,藉此學習象群之間的互動準則,直到牠們被放回野地。這個看護中心就是小孤象們的天堂樂園,但是這些動人的動物群像背後所傳達的訊息,卻是人類獵捕濫殺野生動物的悲傷結果…。Because elephants are pachyderms, a combination of two Greek roots meaning “thick skin,” one might think that nothing bothers them and that they lead quiet, safe lives. Nothing could be further from the truth: elephants have been hunted and killed for their ivory tusks since antiquity. And people often ignore the calves left behind, who must now live out their lives as traumatized and fearful orphans. Wildlife photographer Joachim Schmeisser made it his mission to document the story of these abandoned baby elephants. Through his sponsorship of elephants, he came into contact with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, the world’s largest and most successful rescue and rehabilitation operation for orphaned elephants, headquartered in Nairobi. Professional veterinary technicians bottle feed the elephant calves until they are old enough to locate their own food. By living together with older elephant calves, they also learn the social rules governing elephant herds. After this phase is complete, the elephants are taken to one of the Trust’s rehabilitation stockades before they are released back into the wild. Joachim Schmeisser followed numerous elephants through the entire process and captured fascinating pictures from their arrival at the nursery all the way to their release back into the wild. Elephants in Heaven provides a visual record of how these traumatized elephants are raised in a place that is truly heavenly for them, offering a compelling behind-the-scenes look inside an elephant nursery. The touching animal portraits also convey the devastating consequences of poaching, because for Joachim Schmeisser, it’s about “beauty, fragility, tran- sience, mindfulness, and about dignity and the equal standing of each individual.”


作者介紹 JOACHIM SCHMEISSER JOACHIM SCHMEISSER began his professional career as an advertising photographer. But in addition to his paid work, he always pursued side projects that had personal meaning to him, particularly those relating to humanity and topics relevant to society. He has won many international awards for his work, including the 2012 Hasselblad Masters Award. His work is exhibited around the world.


書名 / Elephants in Heaven
作者 / Joachim Schmeisser
簡介 / Elephants in Heaven:非洲孤兒小象們的成長之路攝影集象是陸地上最大型的哺乳動物,早期的生物學將牠們分類在厚皮動物(pachyderms)。牠們皮厚,軀體龐大,給人一種過著靜
出版社 / teNeues Verlag GmbH
ISBN13 / 9783961710478
ISBN10 / 3961710473
EAN / 9783961710478
誠品26碼 / 2681468706000
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27.5X34CM
級別 / N:無
