The Resurrection of Joan Ashby | 誠品線上

The Resurrection of Joan Ashby

作者 Cherise Wolas
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Resurrection of Joan Ashby:《瓊.艾須比的復活》一個曾誓言不結婚的天才作家,為了家庭放棄文學夢想後……在作家、母親與妻子三個身分間不斷拉扯,她能捲土重來嗎?


內容簡介 《瓊.艾須比的復活》一個曾誓言不結婚的天才作家,為了家庭放棄文學夢想後……在作家、母親與妻子三個身分間不斷拉扯,她能捲土重來嗎?◎2013年貝禮詩女性小說獎得主、《May We Be Forgiven》作者艾美.賀姆(A.M. Homes)推薦!天才作家瓊.艾須比曾經是文學界的耀眼新星──在兩部得獎的短篇小說集出版後,瞬間躍升為備受矚目的優秀年輕作家。事實上,早在十三歲時,她就以成為作家為目標,為自己訂下「如何成為成功作家」的九項原則:1. 不要浪費時間2. 當媽媽說我需要朋友的時候忽略她3. 每天閱讀偉大文學4. 每天寫作5. 每天重寫6. 避免暗戀和愛情7. 不要結婚8. 永遠不要生孩子9. 不要讓任何人成為我的阻礙然而,年僅二十五歲的瓊結了婚、也生了孩子,因為她當時相信自己找到像她一樣重視作家事業的丈夫,也在婚前要對方承諾不會強迫她生孩子。不過,在意外懷孕後,丈夫的喜悅與對於婚前承諾的背叛,卻讓她錯愕不已!但她仍做了改變命運般的無私決定,全新全意擁抱無預期的家庭生活,從此消失在文壇。在大部分的時間與精力都花在照顧孩子的情況下,她只能利用零碎時間寫作,竟也過了三十年……她發現為了愛而放棄文學夢想的結果,讓她過著與想像中完全不同的人生,卻從來不跟孩子說自己曾是知名作家,因為她認為必須將作家與母親兩種不同的身分分開。她決定自己必須重拾年少訂下的目標,每天寫作,終於秘密完成首部傑作般的長篇小說,卻因為第二個孩子的出生,而選擇不出版作品……在孩子都長大成人後,她準備好要重新踏入文壇,卻遭遇意想不到的背叛,使瓊被迫質疑她所做過的每一個決定!本書穿插瓊的小說作品片段,探索她幾十年間的掙扎,以及她如何重拾文學野心、捲土重來,探討女性在家庭與事業野心間取捨與平衡的永恆難題。“[A] stunning debut...reminds me of my most favorite authors: J.D. Salinger, Carson McCullers, Truman Capote, Joan Didion.” —A.M. HomesThe Resurrection of Joan Ashby is an Indie Next List pick for September.I viewed the consumptive nature of love as a threat to serious women. But the wonderful man I just married believes as I do—work is paramount, absolutely no children—and now love seems to me quite marvelous.These words are spoken to a rapturous audience by Joan Ashby, a brilliant and intense literary sensation acclaimed for her explosively dark and singular stories.When Joan finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, she is stunned by Martin’s delight, his instant betrayal of their pact. She makes a fateful, selfless decision then, to embrace her unintentional family.Challenged by raising two precocious sons, it is decades before she finally completes her masterpiece novel. Poised to reclaim the spotlight, to resume the intended life she gave up for love, a betrayal of Shakespearean proportion forces her to question every choice she has made.Epic, propulsive, incredibly ambitious, and dazzlingly written, The Resurrection of Joan Ashby is a story about sacrifice and motherhood, the burdens of expectation and genius. Cherise Wolas’s gorgeous debut introduces an indelible heroine candid about her struggles and unapologetic in her ambition.


作者介紹 雪尼斯.沃拉斯(Cherise Wolas)身兼作家、編輯、律師與電影製片人多種身分,曾製作西南偏南電影節觀眾獎(SXSW Audience Award)獲獎電影《達肯》(Darkon)。《The Resurrection of Joan Ashby》是她的首部作品。Cherise Wolas is a writer, lawyer, and film producer. A native of Los Angeles, she lives in New York City with her husband. The Resurrection of Joan Ashby is her debut.


書名 / The Resurrection of Joan Ashby
作者 / Cherise Wolas
簡介 / The Resurrection of Joan Ashby:《瓊.艾須比的復活》一個曾誓言不結婚的天才作家,為了家庭放棄文學夢想後……在作家、母親與妻子三個身分間不斷拉扯,她能捲土重來嗎?
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250166586
ISBN10 / 1250166586
EAN / 9781250166586
誠品26碼 / 2681466399006
頁數 / 544
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.5CM
級別 / N:無
