Unstoppable: My Life So Far | 誠品線上


作者 瑪麗亞.莎拉波娃
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Unstoppable: My Life So Far:網球人氣紅明星莎拉波娃人生真實告白,推出首本個人自傳書獨家公開她如何化解職業生涯最大危機及不為人知的私人生活曾是網壇當紅炸子雞的莎


內容簡介 網球人氣紅明星莎拉波娃人生真實告白,推出首本個人自傳書獨家公開她如何化解職業生涯最大危機及不為人知的私人生活曾是網壇當紅炸子雞的莎拉波娃,2004年以驚人的球技壓倒性擊敗連任冠軍小威廉斯。僅有17歲的莎拉波娃在當晚成為溫布敦網壇最火熱的網球新星。從此網壇生涯一帆風順,不僅是單打最高世界排名第一,5座大滿貫女子單打冠軍,成為全世界年收入最高的女子運動員。就在事業高峰期,她遭遇人生最大危機,2016年接到世界反興奮劑機構的通知,未能通過澳洲網球公開賽的禁藥檢測,因此國際網球聯合會宣布莎拉波娃禁賽15個月。自傳中不僅記載她事業巔峰時期,也分享她曾是俄羅斯默默無名的鄉村女孩,如何以無比堅強的毅力與決心,一路打入世界網壇。同時首次曝光她與父親兼任教練尤里之間動人及堅韌的情誼。想一窺莎拉波娃從未公開的人生際遇及感受對網球的熱情之心,絕對不容錯過。 From five-time Grand Slam winner Maria Sharapova, the candid, captivating story of her rise to tennis stardomIn the middle of the night, a father and his daughter step off a Greyhound bus in Florida and head straight to the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy. They ring the bell, though no one is expecting them and they don’t speak English. The two have arrived from Russia with only seven-hundred dollars and the conviction that this six-year-old will be the next tennis star. Amazingly, they are right.Young Maria Sharapova went on to win Wimbledon at just seventeen years old, in an astonishing upset against reigning champion Serena Williams―the match that kicked off their legendary rivalry and placed Sharapova on the international stage. At eighteen, she reached the number-one WTA ranking for the first time, and has held that ranking many times since. In this gripping autobiography, the five-time Grand Slam winner recounts the story of her phenomenal rise to success, narrated with the same no-holds-barred, fiercely provocative attitude that characterizes her tennis game. Full of thrilling, insightful episodes from her beginnings in Siberia, from career-defining games, and from her recent fight to get back on the court, Unstoppable is an inspiring tale of persistence, pulsing with fearlessness and candor. Sharapova’s is an utterly unforgettable story.


作者介紹 Born in Nyagan, Russia, Maria Sharapova moved to the United States when she was six years old. At seventeen, Sharapova beat Serena Williams to win Wimbledon. She reached the number-one world ranking at eighteen, and has held that ranking a number of times since. To date, she has won five Grand Slams. She lives in Manhattan Beach, California.


書名 / Unstoppable: My Life So Far
作者 / 瑪麗亞.莎拉波娃
簡介 / Unstoppable: My Life So Far:網球人氣紅明星莎拉波娃人生真實告白,推出首本個人自傳書獨家公開她如何化解職業生涯最大危機及不為人知的私人生活曾是網壇當紅炸子雞的莎
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780374279790
ISBN10 / 0374279799
EAN / 9780374279790
誠品26碼 / 2681466420007
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2CM
級別 / N:無
