Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets | 誠品線上

富爸爸, 菁英的大騙局: 從貨幣、教育到資產, 揭穿讓你越來越窮的金融謊言, 邁向真正的財務自由

作者 羅勃特.T.清崎
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets:《富爸爸,菁英的大騙局:從貨幣、教育到資產,揭穿讓你越來越窮的金融謊言,邁向真正的財務自由》BestknownastheauthorofRich


內容簡介 史上最大全球金融風暴即將席捲而來,清崎卻說:「經濟大崩盤正是創造財富的最佳時機。」究竟要如何在不景氣中重新分配財產,達到FIRE?請先從相信了一輩子的金錢謊言中醒來吧!2008年,作者清崎在雷曼兄弟破產的前六個月便提出警告,但大多數人都笑說不可能。2019年,他預測全球經濟將在2019~2025年大崩盤。2020年,美國股市多次熔斷,全球央行紛紛降息,景氣前景持續低迷。在高度不穩定的時代,究竟要如何做好準備,在危機中站穩腳步?要是預言成真,又要如何把傷害降到最低,甚至從災難中倖免?你需要的是貨真價實、穩固的財商教育。可是,我們從小到大被灌輸的財務知識居然通通不對!?全書深入討論三個最重要的課題:1.貨幣遊戲:大量印鈔使有錢人越來越有錢,存錢的人卻變成最大輸家;富國及有錢人早已默默買入黃金,卻又故意低估黃金的價值。2.教育體系:學校從來不教跟錢有關的事,反而教學生「好好讀書,找份高薪工作」,以便他們將來能幫有錢人賺錢,而不是創造財富。3.資產規劃:數十億人不斷掏錢在退休金、股票,以及其他衍生性金融商品,錢卻從來沒有真正流進口袋。危機=危險+機會,經濟大衰退正是致富的大好時機!想做好準備,一定要了解全球金融體系正在發生什麼大事,為此作者將自身經驗以及長期觀察化成最簡單的文字,有助讀者快速進入狀況。接著,除了拆穿學術菁英、財團、政府試圖洗腦我們的世紀謊言,他也將告訴我們在「萬物皆能假」的時代,如何才能用對方法累積真實的財富。◎ 本書特色● 用最簡單的文字,傳授最重要的知識。● 讀完本書,你將……1.對金錢更有概念,財務IQ大躍進2.拋下舊有迷思,建立富人思維3.不再花冤枉錢投資「假資產」4.沒有富爸爸也有機會財務自由5.創造不受景氣影響,代代相傳的財富 本中文書介出自《富爸爸, 菁英的大騙局: 從貨幣、教育到資產, 揭穿讓你越來越窮的金融謊言, 邁向真正的財務自由》英屬維京群島商高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司出版Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad ― the #1 personal finance book of all time ― Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. In FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets, Robert Kiyosaki delivers insights and answers that help ordinary people ― who probably haven't had a lot of financial education ― determine what's 'real' and relevant to their financial lives.Robert Kiyosaki has built a legacy around simplifying complex and often-confusing subjects like money and investing. He continues to challenge conventional wisdom and asks the questions that will help readers sift through today's information overload to use truth and facts as a foundation for taking control of their financial lives. Robert pulls no punches in his assessment of what is passed off as 'fact' or conventional wisdom and believes that a strong foundation ― for anything we want to build ― needs to start with solid, true information. In today's uncertain times, creating a secure financial future and the peace of mind that comes with it starts with taking action and taking control.Every day we are bombarded with news reports and information and opinions. How do we decipher fact from fiction? How do we differentiate between truth and lies? And determine what's real…from what isn't? Robert believes that it starts with education: financial education designed to make us smarter with our money and better able to fight what's fake and use what isn't to secure our financial future."


書名 / Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets
作者 / 羅勃特.T.清崎
簡介 / Fake: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets:《富爸爸,菁英的大騙局:從貨幣、教育到資產,揭穿讓你越來越窮的金融謊言,邁向真正的財務自由》BestknownastheauthorofRich
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781612681092
ISBN10 / 1612681093
EAN / 9781612681092
誠品26碼 / 2681856846004
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.2X22.6X3CM
級別 / N:無
